The Clothing and Conditions in Shakespeare’s Time
The Clothing – Men’s Men’s clothing was as colorful as the ladies’. Men’s clothing was similar to a suit of armor. Men dressed to impress.
Doublet Jackets worn over waistcoats
Trunk Hose Stuffed with rags and old papers; covered the upper thighs
Ruff Fancy ruffle around the neck; became so large that Queen Elizabeth had to limit their size.
Hats It was important to tip your hat.
Women’s Clothing Women wanted their clothing to look that they had broad shoulders, wide hips, and slim waists. Women’s dresses were not made as one garment. Women also dressed to impress.
Bodice Made the waist and ribcage look smaller
Waistcoats Blouses with laces that held up a petticoat
Ruffs Fancy ruffle around the neck
Platform Shoes Were high to help the women’s dresses stay clean (off the ground)
Farthingales/French Rolls Underskirts and structures to give the skirt a poof
The Conditions Bathing People only bathed once per year. Doctors worried about Queen Elizabeth because she bathed once a month.
The Conditions Entertainment People liked blood Examples of this were public hangings, rooster fights, dog fights, and bear-bating.
The Conditions Sanitation People dumped garbage into the streets. People thought that disease was spread by bad smells. Women carried flowers & spices to sniff when a bad smell came their way.
The Conditions Schooling Most girls stayed at home and learned housekeeping. Boys went to school from age 7 – 15 and studied Latin and math. There were no spelling rules.