Steps in History Презентацию выполнила: Десятова Ольга, ученица МОУ СОШ №52, 9 «А» класса Руководитель: Учитель английского языка Грибкова Ольга Юрьевна
Some historical facts: - the development of the Far East territories - the famous explorers The symbols of the Khabarovsk region: - the coat of arms - a bear is a symbol of farsightedness Khabarovsk is the capital of our region. Photo gallery.
The first settlers appeared on the territory of the Far East about years ago. Then in the middle of the 17 th century, the Russian government began to send their ships to discover new lands far in the East on the coast of the Pacific Ocean.
The development of the Far East territories begins with the XVII century. Russian people went to the east “to come to see the new grounds” to bring them to Russian Tsar and to make trading connections.
The first explorer was IvanMoscvitin. His stories about rich lands, great forests and rivers attracted attention of Vasily Poyarkov and Erofey Khabarov. Ivan Moscvitin Erofey Khabarov and his friendVasily Poyarkov and Erofey Khabarov.
The AmurThe Ussuri Later Bering, Krusenshteyn, Nevelskoy discovered new lands, and new settlements appeared on the coast of the Amur and the Ussuri.
Many people created the expedition for the development of our region. In the 17 th century Yerofey Khabarov undertook an expedition to the Amur River and was overwhelmed by the taiga animals- Manchurian tigers, Asiatic black bears and squirrels.
Wonderful vegetation- birches, oaks and cedars was along the banks of the Amur river.
Following the advise of E. Habarov people settled and developed once wild country: they built bridges, roads, plants and houses and now produce the black and red caviar famous throughout the world.
The twentieth of October 1938 is the birthday of our region. It was happened when the Far East territory was divided into the Khabarovskiy and the Primorskiy regions. The Khabarovskiy krai The Primorskiy krai
The Khabarovskyi krai coat of arms was adopted on July It follows certain regulations and was made according to the means of current symbolic and heraldic system. The bear’s head is turned to the east to the rising radiant sun.
After the heraldic rules the dark eyes and the “tongue” handing out tell that the bear is armed. The image is a little shifted to the left, wich symbolizes the vast stretches of the Khabsrovskyi krai under its protection and custody.
The bear is a symbol of farsightedness, is a guard and custodian of life in the ancient history of the peoples inhabiting Priamurye. The cult of the bear and bear holidays existed for centuries with the people of Rriamurye, too.
The bear was treated as a tribe ancestor, it was the hero of legends, tales and songs, its image is used in the dance and amulets, in the procedures of driving away the evil spirit, its habits were imitated.
The author of the coat of arms is Sergey Loginov, the Khabarovsk artist.
Khabarovsk is one of the largest cities in the Far East and the administrative center of the Khabarovsk territory.
The history of Khabarovsk goes back to the 19 th century.
It was a small military settlement founded by the soldiers of the 13 th Siberian Battalion under the command of Captain Daychenko.
The parade is in honour of renaming Khabarovka into Khabarovsk In 1893 the military post Khabarovka was turned into Khabarovsk.
Khabarovsk is situated in the South of the region on the right bank of the Amur and stretches for 28 miles. The area of the city is about 154 square miles. The population of the territory is under 2 millions, over 650 thousand live in Khabarovsk.
Amursk Khabarovsk Komsomolsk-na-Amure Nikolaevs-na-Amure