Presented By: Academic Insight Mentors Center of Academic Student Achievement
Test Taking Strategies One week before the BIG day: Gather all material/ lecture notes Homework Assignments, old quizzes Develop adequate study groups Each Day: Divide material into portions Study some of the material Go over what has been study and ADD more Take any practice exams available!
The Night Before! Take care of any issue that may cause distractions Don’t pull all-nighters/ Get enough rest (6-8 hrs) Just review, no cramming Pack testing materials (pencils, scantron, snack)
Exam Day! Eat a balanced breakfast Don’t try to cram info or learn new info: only confuses what your brain already knows GO TO EXAM CONFIDENTLY!
Timed Exams If the test is timed, don’t spend to much time on one question Move on to the easier questions/go back to those skipped Don’t change 1 st answer options UNLESS absolutely positive
You’re Almost Done! If you have time left over, RECHECK EXAM DON’T change answers! YOUR 1 ST ANSWER CHOICE IS USUALLY RIGHT! Don’t worry, you are not meant to know every answer on the EXAM. They are built to challenge your scope of knowledge.
After the Exam LET IT GO!! Treat Yourself (relax, go to the beach, etc.) When exam is returned go over missed material and ASK questions. You do not want to make the same mistakes on the next exam. Talk to the professor and ask for study tips, etc.
DO NOT WORRY! One grade does not determine your life! Nonetheless, doing great make things easier…
Prepare! You need to take all of the previous study and time management tips and put them to good use. You need to take all of the previous study and time management tips and put them to good use. Remember: Do not procrastinate, cram or overload yourself
See Where You Stand Check out your syllabus for the grading rubric. You will find the percentage weight (%30) of the final. Calculate what you need to make on the final! GPA Calculator- gpa.php This will help you to prioritize your time!
Study in a Group Reach out to your classmates and form a study group. Choose your group members with caution, do not get trapped in a group that wants to “goof” around.
Know what to Expect Will the exam be comprehensive? Are you given a study guide outlining what will be covered? What format will the exam be in? (multiple choice, essay, presentation)
CASA Resources Come in for tutoring and SI sessions! You can find the tutoring & SI Our AWESOME tutors will assist you with any questions you may have while studying.
Take Care of Your Health! You need to be mentally and physically prepared. Go to the Dugan and attend a fitness class, walk the track, use the gym equipment, etc. Staying active is a great stress reliever!