Geography Internal Assessment HL (20%) SL (25%)
Question How has the coastal management strategy at ‘La Gravette’ affected the beach profile and sediment composition? To answer this question we will compare ‘La Gravette’ with a non managed beach ‘La Joliette’.
Dates Data collection (field trip) 9th of March. Formal feedback submission 9th of April Final submission date 5th of May Any other deadlines within this period will be individually set.
Submission You will need to submit: 2 colour printed copies 1 digital PDF copy via Turnitin
IB rules 1.Raw data may be collected collaboratively on the day of the field trip. 2.You must NOT work together or share resources at any point of the write up. Any plagiarized work will potentially be discarded and may affect your whole IB Diploma.
Road to success 1.Listen to the teacher’s advice - I mark it and therefore if I tell you to do something it is for a reason. 2.Follow the IB Internal Assessment pack closely. If you complete all parts you will do well. 3. Raw data needs to be processed, this means adapted to suit your project.
Road to success 3. Meet all deadlines, these are designed to help you. 4. Do not exceed word limit it will instantly cost you 4 marks out of Always ask advice and do not presume you are doing something correctly always ask.
Common mistakes Please do not make these mistakes: ➢ The project should be completed in 3rd person do not mention I, we etc. ➢ You do not have to use all the data (you can but if it is not relevant do not use it) ➢ Graphs need to varied but more importantly they need to make sense do not use a fancy graph if it doesn’t fit the data. ➢ A sattelite image is NOT a map
The good news 2500 words is not that much and if you work sensibly you WILL get a good mark in your Internal assessment. The IA rewards: Effort and organisation Good luck