Inclusive Preschool: There’s No Place Like Home Maryland’s Preschool LRE Initiative Nancy Vorobey, Preschool 619 Coordinator Valerie von Behren, Preschool 619 Monitor and TA Specialist Maryland State Department of Education Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services OSEP National Early Childhood Conference 2008 “Building Partnerships for Effective Change”
There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home… Western Maryland has mountain ranges 2827 feet above sea level and the Eastern shore has Ocean City and Assateaque Island complete with wild horses …
Southern Maryland is home to the 2 nd largest population of bald eagles, scenic waterways and islands, and was settled in 1634 by 140 colonists
Central Maryland is more urban such as Baltimore City and the suburbs of Washington, DC
Maryland’s Demographics as of 2007 Population 5,615,727Population 5,615,727 White 61%, African American 28.9%, Asian 4.9%, Hispanic 6.0%White 61%, African American 28.9%, Asian 4.9%, Hispanic 6.0% Median household income 65,000Median household income 65,000 Families below poverty 5.3%Families below poverty 5.3% 17.8% High School Diploma, 12.8% Bachelor’s, 10.8% Graduate Degree or higher17.8% High School Diploma, 12.8% Bachelor’s, 10.8% Graduate Degree or higher 13.9% of families speak a language other than English at home13.9% of families speak a language other than English at home 2008 pre-k enrollment 27, pre-k enrollment 27, Kindergarten enrollment 59, Kindergarten enrollment 59,455
Maryland’s Organization The Maryland State Department of Education is home to: The Division of Early Childhood Development which includes the Office of Child Care, Head Start and Early Childhood General Education The Division of Early Childhood Development which includes the Office of Child Care, Head Start and Early Childhood General Education Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services, which includes the Maryland Infant’s and Toddlers Program and Preschool Special Education Services in the Early Childhood Intervention and Education Branch Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services, which includes the Maryland Infant’s and Toddlers Program and Preschool Special Education Services in the Early Childhood Intervention and Education Branch
Maryland’s Preschool LRE Initiatives
What happened then was rich!
Dedicated funding of $440, from “Big B” Analyzed three years worth of Preschool LRE data Shared anecdotal successes from the Preschool LRE teleconference Made our pitch to the Assistant Superintendent and she granted us the funding!
The primary objective of the Statewide Preschool LRE Initiative is to get home! to promote and support a comprehensive, family- centered, driven technical assistance system for all young preschool children, their families and communities. This initiative will offer opportunities for personal and professional growth and systems’ development in collaboration with families, schools and other community stakeholders to include preschool children with disabilities in typical early childhood settings.
Preschool LRE Initiative has two components 1.Funding for projects to improve the continuum of settings for preschool SWD with emphasis on collaboration with families and community partners
Follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road! Establishing teams to go to community programs and provide coaching, co-teaching, infused related services SEFEL and behavior specialists Differentiated instruction, adapted curriculum, including community partners and families in training and TA Partnerships with Judy Centers, Head Start, Child Care Centers, Libraries, Parks and Recreation programs Reverse mainstreaming, assistive technology Language enrichment programming Families involved in programs and support activities
Regional TA Centers To build a framework of regional technical assistance to sustain the improvements
But you’ve always had the power to go home! Each of the Regional TA Centers will be providing coaching, observation to other local systems Menu of statewide TA 4 presentations at the statewide Head Start Conference
If I Only Had a Brain The Preschool LRE Decision Making Module An online tutorial is being developed to increase the knowledge and skills of LSS preschool special education and early learning staff, community early childhood partners and families to improve preschool LRE decision making and expand options for the LRE continuum through our Maryland State Improvement Grant.
In Maryland, we’re trying very hard to overcome the Wicked Witch of the West …
Thank you. And include to the maximum extent possible, preschool students with disabilities with their typically developing peers in their own communities because there really is NO PLACE LIKE HOME!
Special Thanks to
The Lullaby League Valerie von Behren Nancy Vorobey