? 0 seconds 5 seconds 10 seconds In the back of your book draw what you think the picture at 0 seconds would look like.
The Big Bang Theory
The big bang is an idea of how the universe was born We can not be 100% certain this is what happened. There is evidence which supports this idea.
Spectra Each element emits certain colours of light when they glow This is how neon lights work By looking at sun light we can work out what elements are in the sun.
Red Shift Objects moving away from us appear red This is because when an object emitting light moves very fast the frequency we see changes It’s just like an ambulance driving past you All the galaxies we see are red shifted
Cosmic Microwave Background This is the best evidence for the big bang. It is like an echo of the big bang itself.
Missing words nothing million hotbang universe light prismelementsline fingerprint hydrogen red shiftaway pitch faster expanding microwave energy radio
You need to… Get the idea of the big bang Know the two pieces of evidence… The universe is expanding The universe is expanding Cosmic Microwave Background Cosmic Microwave Background Now write a sentence or two giving your view on the theory and how it might effect religious beliefs.