Running Creek Elementary School School Improvement Plan Damon L. Rhodes, Principal Mandy Dry, SIT Chair
Vision Running Creek creates 21st century learning experiences through a commitment to high quality education and service to our community. Mission Respect Community Skills for Success
School Profile 469 students less than 10% minority 40% free and reduced lunch 2009 EOG Math Proficiency = 84.3% High Growth in Math 2009 EOG Reading Proficiency = 71.4% Expected Growth in Reading Met AYP last 4 years
Goal I: Stanly County Schools will produce globally competitive students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes, necessary to be responsible contributing students. Evidence of Need EOG data for 3rd-8th grade students K-2 Assessment data
Objectives for Goal I RCS students will meet high growth on the Reading EOG, and the percentage of students scoring at or above grade level on the K-2 Assessment in Reading and the Reading EOG will be above 90% at the end of the school year. RCS students will meet high growth on the Math EOG, and the percentage of students scoring at or above grade level on the K-2 Assessment in Math and the Math EOG will be above 90% at the end of the school year. Science and Social Studies will be integrated into the curriculum with the other core subjects. Running Creek will maintain AYP with all subgroups with an emphasis on increasing overall attendance. Students will participate in daily writing activities. Decrease achievement gaps between subgroups (white vs. FRL). Running Creek will integrate technology into all subject areas.
Utilize results from benchmark tests to plan instruction (Curriculum Associates) Establish school-wide reading program Use quarterly planning sessions to increase collaboration with technology facilitator and media specialist Continue inclusion with EC students Increase technology available to students (projectors, Activboards, Activotes) Goal I Action Plan
Goal II: SCS will be led by 21 st Century professionals with skills to deliver 21 st century content in a 21 st century context. Evidence of Need Teacher Turnover Rate SLC Survey – Staff Development and Communication
Objectives for Goal II Running Creek will maintain a teacher turnover rate of less than 10%. Survey results will be 90% or higher in all areas.
Foster teamwork and rapport among staff by planning monthly social events Provide opportunities for staff to assist in recruitment and hiring of new staff Provide opportunities for relevant, quality professional development that is regularly scheduled (RCS staff) Maintain administration to staff communication Goal II Action Plan
Goal III: Stanly County students will be healthy and responsible. Evidence of Need Attendance Data Discipline Data
Running Creek student attendance will increase each year. Running Creek will create and maintain a safe and orderly learning environment and as a result be recognized as a Triple S (Super Safe School) by the NCDPI. Objectives for Goal III
Attendance policy outlined in SCS Code of Conduct and Running Creek Student Handbook Select quality students to serve on Safety Patrol Signed SCS Code of Conduct and classroom behavior plans Utilize community resources to foster child safety Display rules and procedures in the building Goal III Action Plan
Goal IV: Leadership will guide innovation in Stanly County schools. Evidence of Need SLC Surveys from teachers and parents
Running Creek staff will participate in professional development that aligns with the NCSCOS. Running Creek will increase the amount of technology available to the students. Running Creek will increase the number of contacts with the Central Office, home, and business community. Objectives for Goal IV
Attend follow-up meetings for Reading Foundations and Partners in Math professional development Increase number of Activotes and Activboards in the school Maintain and update classroom webpages Increase use of School Messenger for communication. Hold Community Business Night in conjunction with PTO meeting. Goal IV Action Plan
Goal V:SCS will be governed by 21 st Century support systems and will utilize federal, state, and local funds to provide operational programs that are designed to enhance the learning environment of all students, support student growth, and maintain clean and efficient facilities. Evidence of Need Teacher concerns about playground K-2 Assessment and EOG data
Running Creek will increase the safety of the existing playground. Running Creek will decrease the number of non-proficient students on the K-2 Assessments and the EOGs. Objectives for Goal V
Communicate with PTO to prioritize needs for the playgrounds Utilize instructional and PTO funds to support students who are non- proficient Goal V Action Plan