Governance and Management (What’s the difference?) Sandi L. Humphrey, CAE Board Know-How!
Our Agenda Understand the distinction between governance and management Delegating to staff or volunteers (how Board can do so effectively) Volunteer challenges and best practices Meeting rules of order Questions/discussion
TWO DIFFERENT JOBS GOVERNANCE What needs to be done Rules (policy) Accountability (delegate and hold accountable) Performance (manage performance of those to whom you delegate) as well as performance of the Board as a whole MANAGEMENT Determine how it will be done Do the actual work Comply with the rules (policy) Report on progress
Delegating to staff/volunteers TO STAFF Requires strategic plan and policy ED develops annual business plan and budget Board and ED agree on business plan and budget Board monitors plan progress and policy compliance TO VOLUNTEERS (i.e. committees) Requires strategic plan and policy Committees develop annual plan and budget Board and committees agree on plan and budget Board monitors plan progress and policy compliance
Volunteer Challenges and Best Practices CHALLENGES Recruitment challenges Lack of skills in volunteers Lack of time Volunteer fatigue True nature of time commitment not made clear at the outset – resignation soon follows BEST PRACTICES Clear terms of reference (i.e. job descriptions) Recruit for the task at hand (competencies) Task forces vs. committees Volunteer management (HR) Training for volunteers
Meeting Rules of Order Contribute to more efficient meetings (less wasted time) Everyone must be familiar with them at the outset and agree to their use Handout: basic motions