A World War Begins (p )
WWI, was also called The Great War. Allied Powersvs. Central Powers Great Britain Germany FranceAustria-Hungary RussiaOttoman Empire(Turkey) JapanBulgaria Italy
Germanys 2 part plan First they would attack France.
Next…after defeating France Germany would attack Russia.
The French & British fought the Germans outside of Paris on the Marne River. The Battle of Marne (the first battle) lasted 7 days and was won by the Allied Powers on September 12, Paris was saved.
For next 3 years the soldiers fought in the trenches.
- trench stories - great link! Christmas in the trenches!
The German offensive – The Battle of Verdun (northeast France) was one of the longest and bloodiest battles. More that 750,000 died. British & French offensive – The Battle of Somme (northern France) was not very effective. The Allies only gained about 7 miles.
New Weapons *Improved cannons & artillery fired larger shells. *Better rifles allowed for great accuracy. (machine guns were used during WWI too)
*Poison gas could kill or injure anyone who breathed it.. Link to 1 st use of poisonous gas.
*Armored tanks could cross battle lines
*The Airplane was the most dramatic new weapon. Pilots participated in dog fights. Manfred von Richthofen- German The Red Baron Top Ace of WWI, 80 victories Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker C.O. 94th Pursuit Squadron Top American Ace of WWI, 26 victories
*The Germans used the zepplin, or blimp to bomb the Allies.
Great Britain blocked ports and the Germans couldnt get supplies. But the Germans brought in their U-boats, submarines to attack the British ships. This will eventually affect the US and bring us into the war.