Framework for the Future- improving public libraries Sarah Wilkie Libraries Policy Advisor Museums, Libraries and Archives Council
My agenda Background to Framework for the Future The Framework action plan The agenda for change Key programmes
A strategy for public libraries “sleepwalking to disaster” Audit Commission report May 2002 DCMS began a review in late 2001 18 months of consultative work New libraries strategy published 10 th Feb 2003 10 year vision
Some considerable strengths … Spaces Richness and diversity of stock Services add value – reach people Staff skills The best libraries are realising their potential to do more BUT …
But … Falling traditional use Service is fragmented and quality is variable Innovation unevenly spread Leadership weak; development and recruitment time bomb Not seen as central to key local or national agendas Poor advocacy at all levels
Libraries are uniquely placed to … Support reading and informal learning Equalise access to digital skills and e- government services Promote citizenship, community identity and social inclusion
Framework provides … Common agenda and shared direction Common principles, vision, clear messages Coherent national, regional and local approaches
Action plan National framework; local delivery responsive to local needs 3 year plan – towards 10 year vision Sustainable improvement Establishing credibility in improving services £1m a year for 3 years
Action plan Books, Reading & Learning Digital Citizenship Community & Civic Values PLUS Building capacity to deliver transformation
The public library Framework for the Future – transforming public libraries
The public library Reflecting community & civic values Developing reading & learning Building online services Equipping staff Changing opinions Delivering more efficiently & effectively Improving performance Framework for the Future – transforming public libraries
The public library Reflecting community & civic values Developing reading & learning Building online services Equipping staff Changing opinions Delivering more efficiently & effectively Improving performance Framework for the Future – transforming public libraries
The public library Reflecting community & civic values Developing reading & learning Building online services Equipping staff Changing opinions Delivering more efficiently & effectively Improving performance Framework for the Future – transforming public libraries
5 key life stages People’s Network Workforce development Leadership skills Advocacy and lobbying Consumer marketing Core standards Impact measures Peer reviews New ways of working Community needs Design and build Framework for the Future – transforming public libraries e-government
2003 149 public library services –providing varying degrees of help with reading and learning: –each local authority demonstrating a different level of commitment to investment in new technology –and placing their own interpretation on libraries’ contribution to community and civic values.
Framework vision 2013 Public libraries with a shared national sense of purpose –providing common national offers; –helping to create a culture of reading and lifelong learning; –enabling everyone to access and enjoy a wealth of material; –all being equally valued for encouraging greater knowledge, creativity and good citizenship.
Where we want to be Understanding and responding to communities Attractive relevant services well presented Clear roles, clear messages, clear advocacy Looking outwards – supportive partnership Actively sharing good practice – celebration and aspiration Value understood by key decision makers - impact on shared priorities Efficient and effective use of resources
A challenge to communicate The purpose of libraries: Coherence of the three roles for libraries set out in F4F The whole is greater than the sum of the parts The value of libraries: Cultural, economic, educational and social Targeted messages and evidence of impact and value
Shared Priorities Children who are introduced to books and reading at an early age do better at school For people under pressure, libraries provide a refuge and an opportunity to improve their lives Libraries act as a community hub Reading benefits mental health and provides a welcome escape for those suffering from depression Libraries contribute to the economic health of the community
Progress to date Some key programmes: Peer review Leadership development Marketing Development of “National Offers” Community engagement
Peer review Key to sharing of good practice Targets individual authorities Action for improvement Support of “critical friends” Understanding the factors for success “I was pleased to see when the report came back, that it also covered the things we do well. Staff are enthusiastic about change and they will welcome the findings.” (Bristol)
Leadership Tailored to the specific needs of public libraries Capacity to lead change & turn Framework into reality Enhance ability to think and act strategically Explore and address barriers to creativity, innovation & risk Leadership group with shared vision and direction “I have done a lot of formal management and leadership training in a number of authorities - some internal and some external, and to an advanced level. But this is the first course where I've been able to explore those theories and models in the specific context of public libraries and it has been incredibly useful.” (An experienced head of service)
Why marketing? Huge potential: Community reach and participation levels Delivery against local/national priorities Many excellent examples of what is possible Potential unrealised: Goodwill not converted into real support Unclear service offers - numerous and confusing sub-brands Fragmentation – innovation uneven Unfocused messages
Marketing strategy Build a common identity and agenda Construct a shared platform for transformation Become more outward looking Connect local, regional and national dimensions and service offers - more than the sum of the parts Communicate the relevance of the library in a changing environment
National offers The national offer is the public library service national marketing plan and activity Targeted national offers: e.g. under 5s, teenagers, business community etc understanding of these informs national marketing Local offers: e.g. opportunity- or needs-based pick up national themes but interpret locally
Community engagement Consulting users and non-users Volunteering and participating The library as community space Services to particular communities
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