The Federal Government Compliance Monitoring Coming Some Time in February / March 2012
What does a Visit Look Like? 6 weeks before visit the district sends the feds all of the required documentation for each indicator Dates for 4-day visit are confirmed –2 days with District personnel to explore and discuss documentation, enrollment process and budget –3 days to do site visits –½ day at each school
District Plan / Evidence -PD plan for curriculum development -Magnet application in 7 languages -Recruitment campaign -Student enrollment data -PD to help schools create magnet standards -Common Core PD -Curriculum Maps School Plan / Evidence -Themed curriculum map, -Sample Units -Unit rollout and enforcement plan -PD for theme development -Extracurricular activities & Events that promote interaction among students from different backgrounds -PD related to cultural proficiency -Magnet Standards -Written justification if scores went down -Plan for at risk students MSAP monitoring indicator 1.1 Program Description : high quality activities; increase interaction of diverse students; develop standards based curriculum; improve academic achievement
District Plan / Evidence -Student application data -School Enrollment data -Enrollment process and selection process – inzone vs out of zone -District Marketing Plan - Orbit -Parsons Overall Plan -CEC talks -Application in all languages -School District Desegregation Plan -Ethnicity Goals for each school -District enrollment process School Plan / Evidence - School Marketing Plan - School Open house schedule -School Brochure -School Advertisements -School Tour PD -Changing the outside – Parsons plan -Know your specific school minority reduction goal and address it in a marketing plan -Community survey data -How did you determine who got in off your waitlist last year? MSAP Compliance Monitoring: Indicator Desegregation and Student Selection
District Plan / Evidence -PD / SLC for Parent Outreach PD -Develop website -Develop virtual tours of schools -CEC -Brochures of each school -Magnet Face book Page? School Plan / Evidence -Calendar of parent outreach events i.e.. Book club, family fun days, parent workshops and flyers -Parent Coordinators Posting / Role Description -PD materials for parent engagement activities -Evidence of how magnet is communicated to parents – newsletter etc. -Principal breakfast / coffee with parents dates and sign in sheets. -Technology as a mode of communication – Face book or phone app 1.3 Parental Involvement - encourages greater parental decision making and involvement
District Plan / Evidence -Curriculum Design Team plan -Rubicon Atlas – -Units – developing, coaching, owning -Grant writing PD in year 3 -Application and long-term lottery -Parsons partnership -Curriculum Design Team School Plan / Evidence -How does your PD build capacity in leadership and teachers? -What SLC’s have your developed to support this? Who are they and what do they do? Ie MLT -How do you use other funds to support MSAP initiatives -Do you have a recruitment team? -How can partnerships be sustained after $ is gone. -PD plans for all – showing that it is sufficient, intensive, ongoing and leads to improvement – (not one shot) -Curriculum Maps -Teacher Leader Role MSAP Compliance Indicators: 1.4 sustainability – how do our plans lead us to sustain programs after federal funding is gone.
District Plan / Evidence -Curriculum mapping and unit development plan -Rubicon atlas -Evaluation report -MSAP Implementation Plans -Achievement Data / NYStart -Parsons Partnership -Site Visit reports -UCLA yearly surveys / analysis -CEC 3 bids on lotteries School Plan / Evidence -Plan of how schools will role out units developed -School themed curriculum map -School CM and Unit PD plan -Plan for how partners support CM / Units -School CEP and quick note on what pages clear evidence of magnet is found -Survey results and MLT notes on plan to modify course -Analysis of impact of PD – MSAP Monitoring Indicator 2.1 – Quality of project services
District Plan / Evidence -Resumes of superintendent, PD, MP, and posting for Magnet Recruiter, -D3 Magnet Organization chart -NYC non discriminatory hiring practice rules School Plan / Evidence -Magnet Specialist resume, posting and hiring process for the person (interview / rubric) MSAP monitoring Indicator – 2.2 Quality of Personnel
MSAP Monitoring Indicator 2.3 Evaluation Plan The District Plan / Evidence –MSAP quarterly documentation –Evaluation plan from Grant –Site visit reports –Survey analysis –AES work order –Dates of meeting with evaluators
The Pillars of a Successful Magnet School!!! Objective 2 Implementation of Systemic Reform Objective 1 Reduce Minority Isolation Objective 3 Implementation of Magnet Theme Instruction Objective 4 Meeting AYP and magnet standards Objective 5 Minimal Provision of 30 hours of teacher PD each year in systemic reform and magnet theme Objective 6 Parent participation increase as compared with the previous year The Foundation The school before receiving the federal Magnet Grant MSAP Magnet Compliance Indicator 2.4 Progress Toward Program and Grant Objectives
MSAP Monitoring Indicators: 3.1 Budget & Resources 3.2 Use of Funds & 3.3 Fiscal Control and Accounting Procedures District Plan / Evidence -Flowchart for how money gets to school -PD dates, power point for network budget people -School approved budgets - to feds sending updated budgets - s with schools confirming budget -Famis monthly snapshots -Calendar of Money to Schools -Conflict of interest policy -AES purchase order -Spending thresholds in FAMIS, -Bidding process -Questions to ask a vendor -PD for magnet specialists in 3-day September institute School Plan / Evidence -MSAP Implementation plan which indicates multiple funding sources paying for MSAP initiatives -Process a school uses to to decide which supplies to buy (agenda of MLT meeting, minutes of a departmental meeting) -Top 2 partnerships PO’s and invoices -Most expensive PO for supplies – -Any requesting a budget change and granting you permission
MSAP Compliance Indicator 3.4 Direct Administration District Plan / Evidence Only -Year long calendar of events -Postings and job description of other people -Organizational chart of MSAP / districts -Pre-invoice, PO, certify services once deliverables received, then pay. -Check in calls with magnet staff to partnerships (shannon’s notes)
Doesn’t Directly Correlate to Magnet Pillar MSAP Compliance Indicator 3.5 Record keeping District Plan / Evidence -Yearly budget binder -Yearly program binder -Grant application -Grant award notices -Annual performance reports -Yearly Evaluation documents -Applications and lottery results School Plan / Evidence -A Binder with -Implementation Matrix -Evaluation Submission -Budget (all purchase orders and invoices and agendas) -One section on each grant objective -Organizational chart
Next Steps Marketing / Recruitment Plan Themed Curriculum Development Plan Increase Parent Involvement Plan Technology infusion Professional Development Plan Explain the role of your partnerships and how they lead to sustainability? What is the purpose and role of your magnet specialist? Of your MLT? Organizational Binders