Templum of Palatine Apollo Rachel Bluestone Latin III September ker.com/clip arts/s/y/s/q/h /R/cartoon- sun-hi.png
Location -Southwest Palatine (Rome...) -Faced the Circus Maximus -Façade oriented towards the northeast (in the direction of the street leading to the residence of Augustus) -In a giant clump of Augustus' buildings wmx1/images/week6- clown-pointing.gif
Origin -Built during the reign of Augustus -36 B.C. (following Octavian's victory at Naulochos over Sextus Pompey) -Dedicated on October 9, 28 B.C. -Built on land that Augustus had originally intended for his residence -Dedicated to Apollo following the interpretation of the soothsayers (haruspices) after the site had been hit by lightning time.com/thumblarg e_417/ Ic K5Gk.jpg
Importance/Use of the Temple -Praying to Apollo. -Integral part of Augustan buildings (which included Augustus' residence and the Greek and Latin library, which was large enough for meetings of the Senate). -An ex voto of Octavian's victory over Marc Antony after the battle of Actium (31 B.C.) y.files.wordpre ss.com/2011/1 2/presents.jpg
So it burned to the ground in 363 C.E content/uploads/2008/03/templenow.jpg
But before that, it was lovely!
Bibliography ntries.htm y/Lazio/Roma/Rome/_Texts/PLATOP*/Aedes_Apollinis_Palatini.ht ml / /Mapping_Augustan_Rome (apple+find “Apollo,” scroll down to “only a very few of the most magnificent Roman temples were built of solid blocks of marble...”)
g.gesweb. co.uk/wp- content/u ploads/20 11/06/big bang2.pn g gspot.com/- 3fqgv0rq- zw/UDQ7m1 4QpUI/AAA AAAAADX4/ LEnYAkJH3h U/s1600/Starr y_Night_with _TARDIS_by _TerryLightfo ot.jpg andorica_Imprisonment.jpg