Letters to Authors & Illustrators Jason Hough & Angie Davis ECED 4300 B Summer 2010 Dr. Tonja Root 3rd Grade Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Prewriting – Angie Davis GPS: ELA3W1 The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student m. Pre-writes to generate ideas, develops a rough draft, rereads to revise and edits to correct. Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Prewriting – Angie Davis PLO: The student will plan their writing by constructing a graphic organizer. Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Form of Writing: Correspondence Students write letters to authors and illustrators to express: – Feelings – Thoughts – Concerns – Likes and dislikes about their books – Ask questions Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Form of Writing: Correspondence We DO NOT write to: – Ask for free books – Ask personal questions – Ask for money – Expect a letter back from the author/illustrator Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Prewriting Identify – Form – Topic – Audience – Purpose Graphic Organizer Structure and organize – Thoughts, ideas, and information Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Stage of Writing - Prewriting 70% of time spent in prewriting Spelling and grammar NOT important Key words and phrases only NO complete sentences Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Prewriting Graphic Organizer Very important Organizes research and data Identifies areas that need more research Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Citation Davis, A. (2010). Author/Illustrator letter graphic organizer. Unpublished graphic organizer. Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. – Modified from: Root, T. (n.d.). Friendly letter graphic organizer. Retrieved June 24, 2010, from Dr. Tonja Root’s website: 00/Graphic%20Organizers.htm Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Heading What is your address? ________________________________________ (Your street number, street name, & apartment number (if living in an apartment)) _________________________________________ (Your city, state, and zip code) _________________________________________ (Today’s date) Who will get your letter? Body ___________________________ (Greeting) What are some thoughts and feelings you would like to share with the author or illustrator? _________________________________________________ What are some questions you would like to ask the author or illustrator? _________________________________________________ Closing_________________________________________________ _____________________ (Closing) _____________________ (Your signature) Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Parts of the Letter Heading – Name and Address – Date – Greeting (Dear author/illustrator name,) Body – Thoughts, feelings, concerns, likes/dislikes, etc. – Lessons learned – Questions and ideas Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Parts of the Letter Closing – Sincerely, – Yours truly, – Your friend, Signature – (signed name) Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Published Example In the next slide you will see a published letter to an author from: Letters to Jack. (n.d.). Retrieved June 24, 2010 from Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Published Example Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Practice Activity Read “Would You Rather…” Discuss the book Fill out a graphic organizer as a class Describe each section Provide feedback Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Assessment Activity 1.Choose audience: author or illustrator 2.Construct letter graphic organizer individually Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Drafting – Jason Hough GPS: ELA3W1 The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student m. Pre-writes to generate ideas, develops a rough draft, rereads to revise and edits to correct. Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Drafting – Jason Hough PLO: Students will draft a letter to an author or illustrator. Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Form of Writing: Correspondence We write letters to authors & illustrators to: – Give suggestions – Ask questions – Share how we feel about the author or illustrator’s piece. Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Stage of Writing - Drafting Drafting stage of writing process: – Take content from graphic organizer and begin composition onto paper – Do not edit, erase, fix mistakes, etc – Skip lines Every other line has an X placed on it Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Citation In the next slide you will see a published letter to an author from: Letters to Jack. (n.d.). Retrieved June 24, 2010 from Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Published Piece Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Practice Activity With the completed graphic organizer displayed: – Move to get content on paper in the form of sentences – Work together to form a sloppy copy letter Interactive writing Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root
Assessment Activity – 3 rd grade Now it is your turn! – Create a sloppy copy correspondence letter – Remember now you must create complete sentences – Remember to include who you are writing too, why you are writing, and sign your name. – Good luck! Jason Hough & Angie Davis. ECED 4300 B Sum 10. Dr. Root