Things you should know
Get Organized Don’t waste time looking for files Know how to create folders and name files You may have to go back and find a file 4 months later so name the file something related to the project. Example: Essay_LawsofLife.docx
Keep Track of Passwords PASSWORD TRACKER Most ELA teachers require it to be part of your notebook Those that use it say it’s really helpful You won’t have to hold up the class trying to remember or reset your passwords You won’t miss valuable instructional time while the class moves ahead
Other Get a Notebook – use study hall time to file papers Use an assignment calendar AT A MINIMUM – know how to use NoodleTools to make a basic citation.
Personal Decisions
when a teacher talks about resources WCHS – Math help every period – SH or lunch students can show up and get free tutoring. LISTEN
Not many teachers will walk around and ask if you understand – so if you don’t….ASK!! If you miss something you have to SELF-ADVOCATE and ASK!!!!!!!! ASK
Think about the most successful students you know and fake their habits until they become your own THINK
Successful Students Do their homework – even if it cuts into their “fun” time and even if they don’t want to do it. Read (always have a book) Sit where they know they can pay attention (even if they’d prefer to sit with friends) Use study halls with serious intent Represent themselves and their family well
“Represent ????” Little habits matter with adults and students Never start a sentence with “I need……” but rather with “Could you please help me with……?” Or “Do you have time to………?” It goes a long way – a really looonnng way – and it’s good training for the “real” world!
“I see a lot of students give off an impression they'd never want to give off because they don't represent themselves thoughtfully, and I think teachers really respond when a student shows an interest in working harder.” – Amy Hamrick
Good Luck!!!!