General Body Meeting 11/20/13
Chimes Junior Class Honorary Bucket and Dipper Junior Class Honorary Greek Life
Meetings for next semester TBD ◦ Sunday nights? ◦ We will have a day/time before winter break Points will be evaluated at the end of the semester Bring up Cuzzin’s receipts and cans at the end of the meeting Fun times at ice skating and Illinois game watch party!
Dropping off cans at the food bank tomorrow! Food Drive/Cook-Off Competition ◦ Sunday, 11/24, in RPAC Meeting Room ◦ 11 AM - 4 PM. ◦ One event point for attending Mortar Board Last Lecture ◦ Thursday, 11/21, 6:30 - 7:30 pm ◦ One event point for attending
Sign up for shifts/training on Great turnout at blanket-making! ◦ They are looking for a sponsor so that they have more materials for future opportunities. ◦ They’ll keep us updated.
Schott Cleanup this Monday 11/25 at 9:30pm ◦ $240! ◦ We need 10 people MINIMUM ◦ If we don’t have enough people, we won’t be able to do one again this year ◦ More people will get the job done faster ◦ One event point ◦ Signup sheet going around!! Insomnia $89! Committee follow up on company assignments
Application goes live December 1 st Interviews March 1-2 Tapping week of March 2 nd Induction Sunday March 23 rd at noon New member meetings/training after that
Alexis’s Updates
Schott Cleanup! Be there! Info to come in the with minutes/powerpoint. Be on the lookout for s about next semester! Good luck on finals and have a great break!