DPAS II, Component 5 for School Nurses Linda C. Wolfe, RN, MEd Director, School Support Services Facilitator, DPAS II Component 5, School Nurses June 2013 NASSNC
Delaware Performance Appraisal System Based on work of Charlotte Danielson ◦ Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching (2 nd Edition) Original work began in components, but 5 th component (student growth measures) not implemented until 2012 Based on professional standards & practice Linda C. Wolfe, RN June 2013
Components 1– 4 for Specialists Component 1 – Planning & Preparation 1a. Designing Coherent Programs or Services 1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Best Practice and/or Models of Delivery 1c. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students or Clients 1d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources 1e. Demonstrating Knowledge of How to Design or use Student Assessments Component 2 – Professional Practice & Delivery of Service 2a. Creating an Environment to Support Student or Client Needs 2b. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness 2c. Communicating Clearly and Accurately 2d. Delivery of Services to Students or Clients Component 3 – Professional Consultation & Collaboration 3a. Collaborating with Others 3b. Serving as a Consultant to the School Community 3c. Providing Resources and Access 3d. Maintaining Standards of Professional Practice 3e. Using Assessment Data in Planning and Delivery of Services Component 4 – Professional Responsibilities 4a. Communicating with Families /Clients 4b. Recording Data in a Student Record System 4c. Growing and Developing Professionally 4e. Reflecting on Professional Practice Linda C. Wolfe, RN June 2013
Component 5 : Student Growth Measures Component 5 does not expand the role of the school of the school nurse. It does highlight and define what we do. Teams of Delaware school nurses developed DPAS II and all of its components. The work is based on NASN’s Scope & Standards of School Nursing Practice and on current Delaware practice for School Health Services. The Growth Measures are based on current research and understanding of the school nurse’s impact on student health. The Growth Measures document is exactly like the ones for educators and other specialists. The only difference is that “school nurse” is inserted where the word “specialist” or “educator” would be in the other documents. The state offers 17 possible goals and the school nurse chooses 4. The size and number of cohorts of students are agreed upon with the administrator at the beginning of the school year. The state has set minimal percentages of growth. Linda C. Wolfe, RN June 2013
Student Growth Measures (for selected cohort) 1. Absences Due to Illness (FY13: 50%; FY14: 25% ) 2. Visits to the Nurse Office (50%) 3. Vision Screening Referral Completion (close gap by 50%) 4. Hearing Screening Referral Completion (close gap by 50%) 5. Return to Class (50%) Originally there were to be the required items. It was believed that would be applicable to all school nurses. Linda C. Wolfe, RN June 2013
Student Growth Measures (cont.) 6. In-School Injury (50%) 7. Access to Health Resources(10%) 8. Health Behavior: Student (FY13: 5%; FY14: 10% ) 9. Health Education: Student (50%) 10. Infection (FY13: 50%; FY14: 25% ) 11. Delaware Student Asthma Test (50%) 12. IHP Goals (50%) 13. IEP Goals (50%) 14. IHP Activities (50%) 15. IEP Activities (50%) 16. Health Behavior: Staff (5%) 17. Health Education: Staff (50%) Linda C. Wolfe, RN June 2013