EXAMS! or How do exams make you feel?
Your exams run from: Day to Day Sooooooooooo… …it’s time to start preparing!
If you want to feel more exams than about you need to be really well organised and do a of revision.
This is your timetable for the week… …your individual timetables tell you where to sit.
Get yourself organised
!!!!! Revision needs to be active !!!!! Do less, learn less Do more, learn more ++ ++
Use the website:
Go on to the school website… …find your way on to the revision page… …look for what you need… …and everything is there for you to use!
If you don’t revise…
I’m a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work the more I have of it! Thomas Jefferson ( ) Third President of the United States of America Good luck!