A Synoptic Chart Explained
Features of a Synoptic Chart
Predicting the weather Examine the first weather map on the next slide and identify Where the high and low pressure systems are How close the isobars are together (an indication of wind speed) The direction of wind The presence of absence of rain
Weather Map 1: 2/3/11
Predicting the weather Examine the second map to see Where the pressure systems are centred and how or where they have moved Whether the pressure systems have intensified or not Changes in wind direction Changes in the pattern of rain
Weather Map 2: 4/3/11
Predicting the weather Based upon the changes you have seen what predictions can you make about the 5/3/11? Once you have made your predictions use the BOM website to find out if you were correct.
Tropical Cyclone ‘Yasi’ 1/2/11
Tropical Cyclone ‘Yasi’ 2/2/11
Tropical Cyclone ‘Yasi’ 3/2/11
Tropical Cyclone ‘Yasi’ 4/2/11
Tropical Cyclone ‘Yasi’ 1/2/11 – 4/2/11 Click on the BOM website link below to discover more about this recent tropical cyclone