1 Transverse Spin Measurements at PHENIX John Koster for the PHENIX collaboration University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DIS /04/27
2 π+π+ π-π- π0π0 Experiment: (E704, Fermi National Laboratory, 1991) Single Transverse Spin Asymmetries in pp Collisions E704: Left-right asymmetries A N for pions: A N difference in cross-section between particles produced to the left and right Theory Expectation: Small asymmetries at high energies (Kane, Pumplin, Repko, PRL 41, 1689–1692 (1978) ) Right Left A N O(10 -1 ) Measured A N O(10 -4 ) Theory ANAN xFxF
3 fragmentation function pQCD Proton Structure small spin dependence Can initial and/or final state effects generate large transverse spin asymmetries? (A N ~10 -1 ) Possible Origin of Large Single Spin Asymmetries h X’ q fbfb fafa σ FF q
4 Transverse Spin Effects in p ↑ p Collisions (I) Transversity quark distributions and Collins fragmentation function Correlation between proton & quark spin + spin dependant fragmentation function Collins FF Quark transverse spin distribution (II) Sivers quark-distribution Correlation between proton-spin and transverse quark momentum Sivers distribution π+π+ π-π- π0π0 ANAN xFxF E704: Left-right asymmetries A N for pions: D. Sivers, Phys. Rev. D 41, 83 (1990) J. C. Collins, Nucl. Phys. B396, 161 (1993)
5 RHIC Polarized Proton Collider AGS LINAC BOOSTER Polarized Source Spin Rotators 200 MeV Polarimeter AGS Internal Polarimeter Rf Dipole RHIC pC Polarimeters Absolute Polarimeter (H jet) P HENIX P HOBOS B RAHMS & PP2PP S TAR AGS pC Polarimeter Partial Snake Siberian Snakes Helical Partial Snake Strong Snake Spin Flipper 2009 Run: Excellent performance during first 500 GeV run at RHIC ~10pb GeV run ongoing
6 RHIC ∫L* and Polarization RunEnergyPolarizationLongitudinalTransverse [GeV][%]L [pb -1 ]LP 4 [pb -1 ]L [pb -1 ]LP 2 [pb -1 ] x x x (47)3.42 x x (51) x x x x x ~35~ In progress Steadily increasing polarization and luminosity * integrated luminosity for PHENIX central arm
7 0 Cross-Sections at y = 0 Experiment vs Theory √s=200 GeV (RHIC)Agreement √s=19.4 GeV (FNAL/E704)Different Process Contribution to 0, η=0, s=200 GeV Neutral Pion Cross-Sections Experiment vs pQCD Guzey et al, PLB 603,173 (2004) Bourrely et al, Eur.Phys.J.C36: ,2004 de Florian et al, PRD:76, 0 Cross-Sections at y = 0 Experiment vs Theory √s=200 GeV (RHIC)Agreement √s=19.4 GeV (FNAL/E704)Different √s=62.4 GeV (RHIC) Agreement More work needed to understand lower energies
8 p +p 0 +X at s=200 GeV/c 2 PRL 95, (2005) PHENIX Data at Mid-Rapidity Helps Constrain gluon Sivers Function Experimental Measurement at y~=0Comparison of Exp. To Theory Anselmino et al, Phys. Rev. D 74, Cyan: Gluon Sivers Function at positivity bound, no sea quark Sivers Thick Red: Gluon Sivers parameterized to be 1 sigma from PHENIX 0 A N Blue: Asymmetry from Sea quark Sivers at positivity bound Green: Asymmetry from Gluon Sivers for case of sea quark at positivity bound High statistics data coming. Smaller statistical errors (factor 23 improvement for 0 ’s) Higher p T Possible ANAN ANAN p T (GeV/c)
9 PHENIX Detector at RHIC Muon Arms 1.2 < | η | < 2.4 J/Psi Unidentified charged hadrons Heavy Flavor Central Arms | η | < 0.35 Identified charged hadrons Neutral Pions Direct Photon J/Psi Heavy Flavor MPC 3.1 < | η | < 3.9 Neutral Pion’s Eta’s PHENIX strategy: Measure several observables each sensitive to different transverse spin effects (i) Forward SSA Sivers & Collins Neutral Pions (ii) Transversity-type Asymmetries Interference Frag. Func. Analysis (iii) Sivers-type Asymmetries Heavy Flavor Back to Back Hadrons Pion A N for y~0
10 (i) Forward SSA A N 0 in MPC Forward asymmetries contain mixture of contributions from Sivers Transversity x Collins Twist-3 PHENIX 0 results available for √s=62 GeV Coming soon from 2008 √s=200 GeV dataset – 0 and 5.2 pb -1, 46% Polarization Asymmetries could enter a global analysis on transverse spin asymmetries Guzey et al, PLB 603,173 (2004) Process contribution to 0, =3.3, s=200 GeV 3.1 < η < 3.7 η > 3.5 η < 3.5
11 (ii) Constraints on Transversity: Dihadron IFF Analysis Interference Fragmentation Function Analysis Measure di-hadron asymmetry with hadron pairs in central arm ( 0,h + ) ( 0,h - ), (h +,h - ) Measures δq(x) x H 1 Transversity extraction will become possible with Interference Fragmentation Function (H 1 ) measurement in progress at BELLE + + _ _ IFF
12 Models for Interference Fragmentation Function Use partial wave analysis of phase shift data to model IFF Sign change around mass Jaffe, Jin and Tang, PRL 80 (1998) 1166 Breit-Wigner shape for p wave No sign change around mass Trend consistent with HERMES results Bacchetta and Radici, Phys. Rev. D 74, (2006) Analysis done in mass bins above and below the ρ mass
13 vs mass of the pair Added statistics from 2008 running NEW No significant asymmetries seen at mid-rapidity.
14 vs invariant mass of the pair Added statistics from 2008 running NEW No significant asymmetries seen at mid-rapidity.
15 (iii) Constraints on Sivers Function: Heavy Flavor D meson A N Production dominated by gluon-gluon fusion at RHIC energy Gluon transversity zero Asymmetry cannot originate from Transversity x Collins Sensitive to gluon Sivers effect Anselmino et al, Phys. Rev. D 70, (2004) p ↑ p DX Gluon Sivers=Max Quark Sivers=0 Gluon Sivers=0 Quark Sivers=Max Theoretical prediction:
16 (iii) Constraints on Sivers Function: Heavy Flavor PHENIX: no reconstruction of D meson Exploratory measurements of A N for single muons Dominated by charm production in current kinematic range Predicted asymmetry smeared by decay kinematics
17 (iii) Constraints on Sivers Function: J/Psi Exploratory measurement of A N J/Psi J/Psi production mechanism not well understood Single spin asymmetries may shed light on production mechanism Constraints on gluon Sivers function Yuan, PRD78:014024,2008
18 (iii) Constraints on Sivers Function: DiJet Production Azimuthal distribution of Di-Jet production in pp Suggested in: Boer, Vogelsang, Phys. Rev. D 69, δφ Counts Beam is in and out of page Look at back-to-back jet opening angles δφ Proton Spin k T Sensitive to Sivers function only! No Collins-type effects
19 (iii) Constraints on Sivers Function: DiHadron Production PHENIX Result from 2006 data: Done with di-hadrons at y 1 =y2~=0 Asymmetry consistent with zero Large 2008 data set available! η min η max Similar analysis possible in different combinations of rapidity Works in progress… pi0 h +/-
20 Near Term Outlook -- Large 2008 Dataset Initial constraints on gluon Sivers function Dedicated transversity channels: –IFF Analysis –Future analysis with Collins asymmetry (See next slide) Sivers function constraints possible with more data –Connection to orbital angular momentum? Summary (i) Forward SSA A N 0 at √s=200 GeV soon. Exploring η, K 0 short, Direct γ (ii) Transversity-type measurements IFF results already preliminary Exploration Forward IFF (iii) Sivers-type measurements A N for y~0 smaller errors and higher p T A N Heavy Flavor -- Forward open heavy flavor, J/Psi -- Mid-rapidity open heavy flavor Di-Jet analyses will expand to rapidity-separated hadron pairs
21 Long Term Outlook -- Upgrades Vertex Detectors ( ) Large acceptance precision tracking –Heavy flavor tagging –Jets –Drell-Yan –Electrons from charm decays and beauty decays separately –c,b-Jet Correlations Forward Calorimetery ( ) Proposed PHENIX Upgrade ( 1 < eta < 3 ) –A N 0, Direct γ, γ-Jet –Collins-type analyses
22 Backup
23 IFF: Definition of Vectors and Angles Bacchetta and Radici, PRD70, (2004)
24 IFF: Transversity from di-hadron SSA Physics asymmetry IFF + Di-hadron FF to be measured in e+e- Transversity to be extracted Hard scattering cross section from pQCD Unpolarized quark distribution Known from DIS
25 Ongoing IFF measurement at BELLE (RBRC/Illinois) 2 1 e+ e- thrust axis Artru and Collins, Z. Phys. C69, 277 (1996) Boer, Jakob, and Radici, PRD67, (2003) IFF sensitivity projection from data
26 Use partial wave analysis of phase shift data to model IFF Sign change around mass Jaffe, Jin and Tang, PRL 80 (1998) 1166 Models for IFF Breit-Wigner shape for p wave No sign change around mass Trend consistent with HERMES results Bacchetta and Radici, Phys. Rev. D 74, (2006)