2 Prenatal Tests: -Amniocentesis & -Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)
1. Amniocentesis Amniocentesis is a prenatal test in which a small amount of amniotic fluid is removed from the sac surrounding the baby and is tested. The amniotic fluid is removed through a fine needle inserted into the uterus through the abdomen, under ultrasound guidance. The fluid is then sent to a lab to be tested.
That’s a long needle!! An amniocentesis can also be done toward the end of the pregnancy to determine if the baby's lungs are mature enough for delivery. This is done in cases where an early delivery may be needed. (Like mine was.)
Facts about Amniocentesis Because it presents a small risk for both the mother and her baby, the test is generally offered to women who have a significant risk for genetic diseases or… – Have an abnormal ultrasound. – Have a family history of certain birth defects. – Have previously had a child or pregnancy with a birth defect. – Will be 35 or older at the time of delivery.
More facts… It is about 99.4%accurate. Notice that the doctor has to have an ultrasound done at the same time to avoid poking the baby. Occasionally, the baby is poked with the needle during the testing, but this is generally harmless. There is a 1% chance for miscarriage from the procedure when done early on.
2. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) CVS is a prenatal test that is used to detect birth defects, genetic diseases, and other problems during pregnancy. During the test, a small sample of cells (called chorionic villi) is taken from the placenta where it attaches to the wall of the uterus. Chorionic villi are tiny parts of the placenta that are formed from the fertilized egg, so they have the same genes as the baby.
Risks of CVS CVS may carry a slightly higher risk of miscarriage than amniocentesis, since the procedure is done in early pregnancy. Infection may occur. Rare cases of defects in baby's fingers or toes have been reported, especially when CVS was done before 9 weeks. Due to this potential risk, 10 weeks is generally the earliest recommended time to perform this test.
Benefits of CVS CVS can be done early in pregnancy (earlier than amniocentesis). Results are usually obtained within 10 days.