Alternative Enterprises For Landowners Mark Megalos, NCSU Extension Assoc. Professor
10/11/2015Alternative Opportunities2 Successful Enterprises Wildlife Recreation Forestry Future Prospects
10/11/2015Alternative Opportunities3 Wildlife Leases Income Average: $5 - $10/acre, up to $15/acre/year Depends on: Habitat quality Soil fertility Abundance & Diversity of game Acreage Proximity to Markets Demand
10/11/2015Alternative Opportunities4 Fee Hunting Dove $ /day Small Game $10-25/ day Deer, Hog,Turkey, Waterfowl $ / Day $ Up to $1,000/yr. per stand or blind
10/11/2015Alternative Opportunities5 Recreational Leasing Birding / Fishing Paint ball Horse riding Mountain biking Cabin rental Camp/Canoe Sites
10/11/2015Alternative Opportunities6 Recreational Leasing TIPS Ability to Draw Metropolitan Audiences Acreage Right Forest Amenities: Diverse land, water and plant mix
10/11/2015Alternative Opportunities7 ENERGY - FIRE WOOD Energy $7 - $14 /cord Firewood $75 - $150 /cord
10/11/2015Alternative Opportunities8 Native Shrubs, Trees & Ornamentals Landscape Market Sold on-site: Spade ( “Naturals”) B&B Faster returns
10/11/2015Alternative Opportunities9 Value-added Crafts Rustic furniture Bird boxes Carvings
10/11/2015Alternative Opportunities10 Value-added Plants Wreaths Ground Cover Mushrooms Truffles
10/11/2015Alternative Opportunities11 Promising Botanicals / Medicinals Cone Flower: ROOTS $ / lb. dry PLANT $.50 – 1.10 lb. dry Ginko LEAF $ 4.00 – 6.00 / lb. dry
10/11/2015Alternative Opportunities12 Promising Botanicals / Medicinals Goldenseal - $ / lb. Income : (.1 Acre plot/ dried root) 4 yrs- $2338
10/11/2015Alternative Opportunities13 Future Prospects Carbon Credits Bio-products Pharma- (Bio-) ceuticals Feedstocks Bio-fuels
10/11/2015Alternative Opportunities14 Maximize Value of Your Entire Land Portfolio Ecological (Water, Wetlands) Crops Timber Development
10/11/2015Alternative Opportunities15 Get a Plan ! Your Land is Unique Match Goals & Family Interests Get Professional Advice Maximize Incentive$
10/11/2015Alternative Opportunities16 Questions?
10/11/2015Alternative Opportunities17 THANK YOU!