A Distributed Clustering Framework for MANETS Mohit Garg, IIT Bombay RK Shyamasundar School of Tech. & Computer Science Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai , India
2 MANETS Mobile Ad-hoc Networks: no fixed infrastructure, hosts are mobile: Security, power management, bandwidth efficiency, … Sensor and ad-hoc wireless networks Several challenges, for routing, data aggregation, query processing etc.
3 Routing in MANETS Pro-Active Routing Keeping routes to all possible destinations Keep track of link parameters to achieve QoS Overhead for maintaining & exchanging info. Reactive Routing Find paths on demand Less overhead but large delays Even Flooding algorithms can be clubbed under this framework
4 Routing in MANETS: Scalability Pro-Active Routing: Not scalable due to the need of large bandwidth required for exchanging network information Reactive Routing Not Scalable due to large delays when source and destinations are separated by multiple hops. Clustering Strategies: A Tradeoff
5 Clustering Algorithms Pro-active approaches within a cluster Reactive approaches for inter-cluster routing Provides a sort of masking with respect to mobility of nodes Nodes in the respective clusters update their own links and routes when a node moves.
6 Distributed Clustering Alg. Use mobility to advantage (in certain non- real-time situations they increase the throughput) Restrict cascading effect and achieve stability As MANETS have no central authority, useful to use completely distributed strategies (emergent algorithms)
7 Distributed Clustering Algorithm Clustering mechanism is independent of the routing algorithm It should work on a decomposed (partitioned) network Note that we don’t maintain any cluster leader
8 Basic Leader Follower (BLF) Clustering Algorithm (single pass, converges faster and contains no cluster head!) 1.begin initialise n,t 2. w 1 = x 3. do accept new x (loop …. 4. j = arg (min i |x-w i |) (find “nearest cluster”) 5. if |x-w j | < t(if “distance” less than threshold) 6. then w j =w j +n.x (join and update the weight of the cluster) 7. else add new w=x (form a new cluster) 8. w=w/|w| (normalise weight) 9. until no more x… until all points are classified) 10. end
9 Towards Distributed BLF Alg On line algorithm (forms new clusters as and when new data points emerge) Several unsupervised algorithms form a basis Need to define Define a measure of closeness to capture mobility Adapt the algorithm as a distributed alg.
10 Distributed BLF algorithm Each node wakes up Looks around for clusters If finds one which satisfies a stability threshold, keeps it as a probable candidate Compares cluster sizes if suitable, joins, else forms its own cluster
11 Which one is more stable? Each cluster has a “stability metric” associated with it which should lie above a suitably chosen threshold for the new node to join it Stability metric is important: we have currently chosen the ‘cluster-age’ of the node
12 Cluster Maintenance New nodes do not join clusters if the cluster size is equal to the maximum allowed Minimum size also specified and clusters smaller than that tend to disintegrate Clusters can be dynamically maintained in exactly the same way in which cluster formation takes place
13 Algorithm for un-clustered Node while(!myself_clustered){ transmit(clus_find); waitforresponses(); parse_responses(); choose_suitable_cluster(); if(suitable_cluster_exists) { send(clus_join_request); waitfor(clus_join_reply); if(clus_join_accept) updatemyclus(); else formownclus(); } else formownclus(); }
14 Algorithm for Clustered Node while(1){ if (size(myclus)<MIN_CLUS_SIZE && disintegrate_time){ transmit(clus_find); } do_work(); if(received(clus_info) { check_suitability(); if(suitable_cluster_exists) { send(clus_join_request); waitfor(clus_join_reply); if(clus_join_accept) updatemyclus(); }
15 Unknown Parameters in the model Stability Metric Stability Threshold Cluster size upper and lower limits Simulations: shed light on how to choose the parameters
16 Simulation Results
17 Discussion: Expected Results Average Cluster Size should increase on increasing MAX_CLUS_SIZE and MIN_CLUS_SIZE Number of Clustering messages should increase with MIN_CLUS_SIZE Stability Metric and Threshold should govern the lifetime of clusters
18 Scenarios… 100 x 100 units region 75 nodes Transmission Range = 15 units Nodes switched on at random locations in the initial iterations On an average half of the nodes were imparted mobility at each instant
19 Variation w.r.t. Cluster Size Limits Number of clusters decrease when larger clusters are allowed The MIN_CLUS_SIZE does not play a very major role. Only helps in small increase in avgerage cluster size. Choice of these should depend on the number of nodes and overheads allowed
20 …Variations w.r.t. Cluster Size Limits MIN_CLUS_SIZE=3, MAX_CLUS_SIZE=26MIN_CLUS_SIZE=10, MAX_CLUS_SIZE=26
21 Clustering Messages vs. MIN_CLUS_SIZE Higher MIN_CLUS_SIZE means more clusters tend to disintegrate Hence, higher cluster overhead MAX_CLUS_SIZE=20
22 Rate of cluster deletions vs. stability threshold Number of cluster deletions decrease when stability threshold increases But higher threshold means larger number of clusters which may not be desirable Gaussian metric yields lower deletions than Step metric
23 What does the model achieve? Adaptive clustering Completely distributed algorithm No Cluster Head needed Can control cluster properties using simple techniques?
24 Future work Simulation using real mobility sources Clustering has a wide role in MANETS & Sensor networks finding routing algorithm taking into account the limitations Subdividing sensor networks into non-overlapping sub-divisions of physically close nodes for routing, data aggregation, query processing etc. Location finding in the context of sensor networks