Comenius project Turning Ideas Into Actions ( ) Mobility 2 : March in Europaschule Wiener Neustadt -AUSTRIA Alexandre’s presentation ISC School- La Ville du Bois- France
PRESENTATION Hello, My name is Alexandre I am fifteen years old. I don't have any brothers or sisters. I have 3 cats.
I live in Antony, in the Suburbs of Paris, near Parc and Castle of Sceaux. Antony's entrance The church Castle of Sceaux
My favorite sports are Horse riding,
Swimming and diving,
I am also a pionneer scout.
But what I prefer, are my radio-controlled boats.
And I have even presentated it to Bertrand de Broc
Bertrand de Broc is a skipper who made the Vendée Globe ! (here on his real boat). Maybe someday....
I am very happy to see your school. And to be in Austria ! Souvenirs...
Powerpoint presentation and photos: Alexandre DUCROS Ulis class- Isc School