Ecotourism development in the Oka-Region (Lake Baikal) Supported by Merz Stiftung, implemented by Global Nature Fund and Baikal Information Centre “GRAN”
Baikal Information Centre "GRAN"2 Objective and Tasks Create an ecotourism model, capable to solve social-economic problems of ethnic minorites of the Baikal Region, environmentally friendly and protecting the unique culture of ethnic minorities and nature of one of the most remote and beautiful places of Buryatia – the Okinsky District. The goal will be achieved upon through three sets of interconnected tasks: Nature conservation, Educational, Ecotourism.
Baikal Information Centre "GRAN"3 Tourism in the Oka District Typical tourism types: -Rafting (the Oka and Zhombolok rivers), about 2,000 tourists annually; -Hunting (occasionally); -Tours to mineral springs and natural sites (Zhoigan, Volcanoes Valley, etc.) – about 1,500-3,000 tourists annually); -Annual mass climbing to the Peak of Munku-Sardyk (about 10,000 tourist arrivals during 3-5 days in the beginning of May)
Baikal Information Centre "GRAN"4 GNF Coordination and financial administration; Negotiations with European travel agencies and promotion of tours; Educational seminars conduct; Organization of professional training in Germany for local experts; Project monitoring; Reports preparation. Project coordination; Organization and conduct of the 4 seminars in Orlik and Sorok Villages; Tour guides and interpreters training; Organization of training of three coaches (water and horse-riding tourism) in Irkutsk; Development and translation of a tourism web-page on the web-site of the Okinsky District; Evaluation of the Oka tourist sites’ environmental and social capacity; Reports preparation; Round table “Experience exchange: Ethnic minorities in tourism areas, Russia”; Organization of a joint seminar with German partners and a visit of a German group to Oka (August-September 2010). Development of the Okinsky District web- site; Remodeling of the school boarding house (Orlik Village) into a summer hostel; Provision of information and material for the web-site, including photos, etc.; Support of local business in the sphere of tourism by the Oka District Administration; Additional equipment of the Oka Tourist Centre and the inner infrastructure. GRAN The Oka District
Baikal Information Centre "GRAN"5 Results achieved after the first phase of the project: Experts from GRAN organized and hold 2 seminars for the Oka people. As a result of seminars and consultations, the first three families from Orlik Village decided o start receiving tourists in their houses. As a result of joint efforts of Baikal Information Centre “GRAN” and Global Nature Fund 2 tours were worked out: “Geser’s Area” and “Soyots of the Mountainous Oka”. 2 Tourist Information Centres in Orlik and Sorok Villages were equipped: with furniture and office equipment; Within the frames of the conference an international seminar was organized with about 60 participants, and a group of German experts visited the district to evaluate the presented tours.