By Payton Markvicka
Places I have lived I lived in Bridgewater NJ before and Sparta
Hobbies One of my hobbies are playing guitar Another one is horse back riding Third I like to write stories Last but not least I like to dance.
Family and friends slide I have a mom, sister and dad. And my puppy melody My mom works at Pacira And my dad works for MTV, Nickelodeon and all the other channels The rest of my family lives all over the united states.
KCA Kids Choice Awards Last year in 2010 I went to the kids choice awards. It was the best time of my life. Since my dad worked with Nickelodeon we got VIP passes. I met a ton of nick stars.
Horse back riding I love horse back riding. It’s one of my favorite things to do. In the spring and summer me and my friends go horse back riding on the Vernon trail.
My favorite animal is Horses!!!!! I love them I even have one his name is Ozeam. It lives in Nebraska though on my grandmas farm. He’s a retired race horse and he has althridus. That means I can’t ride him. The picture you see below is a horse that looks like mine.
Some of my favorite foods are
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by Payton M Thanks for watching All about me I hope you liked it