Horsey because I love horses and horse riding
Amazing because my friends like me
Young because I’m still 12
Awesome because my friends have fun when they are with me
Adorable because my family adores me
Balanced because I’m fair with people
Delightful because my cousins say that it is a delight to have me with them
Unique because I have a unique way to do things
Loveable because all my friends and family love me
Artistic because I love art and I love to make creative things
Zany because I’m fun
Interesting because sometimes I tell my friends some interesting facts about stuff especially fashion and animals
I love Zebras
I love Animals
Lovely because I’m always kind to people and animals
Respect because I respect the people around me
Astonishing because I always surprise people with greatness
Behaved because I’m behaved and I’m not rude to people
Brilliant because I am brilliant at horse riding
Athletic because I like to go horse riding
Nice because I be nice to everyone