Vitae Yorkshire 27 th November 2012
What is Parliament? House of Commons House of Lords Monarch
Makes and passes laws (Legislation) Holds Government to account (Scrutiny) Enables the Government to set levels of taxation
Keep it brief- 1 side of A4 Clear language – for an intelligent non specialist Be objective – let the research speak for itself Who are you and why are you contacting them? What is the issue and why is it relevant now? What is the impact/ who will it affect? What do you want to happen?
All Party Parliamentary Groups Early Day Motions Debates Select Committees Questions
Adjournment debates (Commons) Westminster Hall debates (Commons) Backbench Business Committee (Commons) Questions for short debate (Lords) A Minister from the relevant department must attend and respond on behalf of the government
9.30am to 11am: Fiscal support for the Humber economy - Alan Johnson 11am to 11.30am: Payment of winter fuel allowances - Mr Mike Weir 2.30pm to 4pm: Knife crime - Mr Douglas Carswell 4pm to 4.30pm: Car hire consumer protection - Ian Swales 4.30pm to 5pm: Boundary Commission and Great Grimsby constituency - Austin Mitchell
All Government departments can be questioned on their work In writing and orally In Commons and Lords Must relate to running of Government department Cannot be on party or private issues, sub-judice, or on the monarchy Must be used to request information or press for action
A key aspect of scrutiny Committees scrutinise individual Government departments and key policy areas Work carried out through public inquiries Groups and individuals can submit evidence to inquiries
Terms of reference will be issued – ensure evidence addresses them Check deadline dates Use clear language – write for an intelligent non- expert Suggest solutions as well as addressing problems Contact committee Clerk to discuss your submission, and for advice
Statements on a wide range of issues, written in the form of a debate motion MPs only Usually backbench MPs, occasionally used by opposition front bench Enable MPs to comment on a wide range of issues Can: Congratulate Commemorate Condemn Call for action
Aims to help parliamentarians examine science and technology issues effectively through independent, balanced analysis of public policy issues related to science and technology Produces briefings, organises events and assists Select Committees
Provide specialist impartial information and briefing service for MPs, Peers, their staff, committees and staff of the Houses Produce wide range of briefing material Available online at under research
Useful Information – Commons information – Lords information