forng electronic Workforce Information Network Portal In NHS Yorkshire and the Humber >>
>> Context NHS workforce focussed web portal A “one stop shop” for NHS workshop related intelligence Decision support tool to aid delivery of improved productivity, safe and high quality patient care Equip individuals with the tools and techniques they need to deliver efficiency and transformational change Monitor, capture and evidence base improvements Drive a culture of knowledge sharing, learning and generating innovation Communication platform to support integrated planning, staff engagement and partnership working
Concept initiated in the North West 2009 Designed in collaboration with HRD, Workforce and Finance communities – now working to engage with and make valuable for wider audiences; nursing, medical, performance, quality etc Successful Benchmarking and Best Practice sharing mechanism driving increasing membership Driven interest at a national level Pilot launched in NHS Yorkshire and the Humber in August 2011 Currently being rolled out in EOE and SC – continuously adding value >> Background
The following organisations have piloted eWIN in NHS Yorkshire and the Humber: Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield Cluster Rotherham FT Harrogate District FT Barnsley FT Hull and East Yorkshire hospitals Humber FT Bradford hospitals York FT >> Champions
>> Framework
>> Home Page Directing you to the latest uploaded best practices case studies, news, events and intelligence
>> Benchmarking Service Core set of workforce benchmarking metrics, data modelling and diagnostics for your organisation
>> Knowledge Exchange A central repository of qualitative workforce information; case studies, commissioned research and best practice
>> Forums A facility enabling secure discussion amongst peers / support networks
>> Workforce Planning Toolbox A facility enabling secure discussion amongst peers / support networks
1.What happens if…..? 2.How much can we save if…? 3.Where can we make changes that will make a real difference? 4.What learning can we adopt locally? 5.Where is the evidence? 6.Who can I speak to? >> Some questions users might use eWIN to answer:
Continue to evolve and develop in coordination with local needs for workforce intelligence Link to national level tools and resources i.e. Workforce Assurance Tool Continued engagement and promotion of eWIN across NHS Yorkshire & the Humber Continued drive for best practice sharing and learning across Yorkshire and the Humber and wider >> Next Steps
Nadine Boczkowski Workforce Intelligence Manager – NHS Yorkshire & the Humber Tel: Yvonne Smiles Workforce Project Manager – NHS Yorkshire & the Humber Tel: Kim Wilshaw Knowledge Services Manager – NHS Yorkshire & the Humber Debbie Bottomley Programme Support Officer (Knowledge Specialist) – NHS Yorkshire & the Humber Tel: >> Contact us to find out more