2001 Census Key statistics on families, health, housing, transport, ethnicity and religion down to local authority level Start of the richest and most comprehensive stream of information on the UK ever published Less than one per cent published 13 February Further releases over the next few months
2001 CENSUS More people aged 60 and over than children under 16 Big growth in number and proportion of people aged 85 and over Fewer men than women at all ages over 21 years Overall growth since 1991 is 2.5 per cent Average population density 3.4 persons/ha
2001 CENSUS Over 30 per cent of adults are single Over a quarter of all households have no car 1 In 10 households is headed by a lone parent Just under 1 in 10 people are non-White 72 per cent recorded as Christians 1 in 3 has no qualifications 1 in 5 has degree or higher qualification
55 per cent of workers travel to work by car Almost 10 per cent per cent report not being in good health Over two thirds of households are owner occupiers Over ¾ million household spaces are vacant 2001 CENSUS
Age Structure 2001 England and Wales (thousands)
compared to 1991 census
Age Structure 2001 England and Wales (thousands) compared to 1981 census
Age Structure 2001 England and Wales (thousands) comparison of sex-ratio
Age Structure 2001 England and Wales (thousands) Excess population highlighted male female Comparison of sex- ratio
Population % change England and Wales +2.5% Wales +1.0% population change (%) England and Wales North East North West Yorkshire and Humber + 0.6
Living Arrangements 2001 Percentage of households
One-person households England and Wales 30.0 % North East 30.8 % North West 30.9 % Yorkshire and Humber 29.5 %
Lone-parent households England and Wales 9.5 % of households North East 10.8 % North West 11.1 % Yorkshire and Humber 9.4 %
Children under % of population in England and Wales North East 5.5 % North West 5.9 % Yorkshire and Humber 5.9 %
All-pensioner households England and Wales 23.8 % of households North East 24.9 % North West 24.0 % Yorkshire and Humber 24.4 %
Health Health (1) England and Wales 9.2 % not in good health North East 12.0 % North West 11.0 % Yorkshire and Humber 10.3 %
Health (2) England and Wales 18.2 % with long-term illness North East 22.7 % North West 20.7 % Yorkshire and Humber 19.5 %
Health (3) England and Wales 10.0 % providing unpaid care North East 11.0 % North West 10.8 % Yorkshire and Humber 10.4 %
Households without a car or van England and Wales 26.8 % of households North East 35.9 % North West 30.2 % Yorkshire and Humber 30.3 %
Ethnicity Non-White ethnic groups England 9.8 % of residents North East 2.4 % North West 5.6 % Yorkshire and Humber 6.5 % Main ethnic minority groups Indian 2.1 % Pakistani 1.4 % Irish 1.2 % Black Caribbean 1.1 %
Religion Percentage Christians in England and Wales 71.7 % North East 80.1 % North West 78.1 % Yorkshire and Humber 73.1 %
No religion England and Wales 14.8 % North East 11.1 % North West 10.5 % Yorkshire and Humber 14.1%