– Silver Economy Network of European Regions Silver Economy Network of European Regions Status: November 2009
– Silver Economy Network of European Regions Network Regions 9 partners from 6 countries
– Silver Economy Network of European Regions History approx. 2000: Starting point: Initiative „Seniorenwirtschaft NRW“ 2002:NRW creates an independent field of action and an own regional government unit December 2003: „Seniorenwirtschaft NRW goes Europe!“ 2004 – 2005: Establishment of a European Network :First European Silver Economy Conference in DE Best-Practice Competition Network 2005:Province Limburg (NL) also creates an independent field of action and an own regional government unit June 2005:Establishment of the European Secretariat November 2006:Second European Silver Economy Conference in NL
– Silver Economy Network of European Regions History (II) 2007:Establishment of cooperations, consortia; development of proposal outlines for European projects (z.B. BeauHome, Houses that last, Seal of approval for domestic services); Briefing Workshops; Third European Silver Economy Conference in Sevilla; Successful European lobbying Successful proposals: SOPRANO, AAMME. 2008:March 2008:Formalisation of with membership fees and agreed workprogramme and financial plan for Successful proposals: INCREASE, CommonWell; Successful European lobbying 2009:Successful proposals: Culturemap (Start in 2009), eSESH, INDEPENDENT, SeniorSports (Start in 2010); Submissions to European consultations; and Senior Enterprise INTERREG proposals.
– Silver Economy Network of European Regions Secretariat: Tasks Lobbying and EU policy development support: –European lobbying support for and preparation of meetings with European stakeholders –Active participation in consultation processes and attendance at expert meetings organised by the EC for the development of future policies. Coordination of the development of contributions to these policy development processes. EU funding programmes and proposals: –Identification of relevant funding programmes and opportunities for projects of partners from regions –Development of proposal outlines and mailing of these to partners asking for interest in a joint proposal development for submission to EC programmes –Proposal development and submission (further development, refinement and re-submission of proposal) –Contract negotiations with the EC concerning successful proposals Administrative and organisational support: –Preparation and organisation of meetings in Brussels; minutes and ToDo lists –Further development of list server for distribution of newsletter and other relevant information PR: –Update of newsletter layout, graphics and overall concept –Further development and updating of website –Development of and updated flyer/brochure Work plan development: –Support of partners in the development of work plans and task descriptions for the agreed policy fields of action in –Active participation in working group / SIG meetings European conference support
– Silver Economy Network of European Regions Lobbying Successes (I) Anchoring of the „Silver Economy“ and “Ageing” in European policy programmes and Communicationsof several DGs, like: - Communication of the European Commission “The demographic future of Europe – from challenge to opportunity”, Communication of the European Commission „i2010 – First Annual Report on the European Information Society“, Ministerial Declaration approved on the occasion of the Ministerial Conference “ICT for an inclusive society” of the Austrian Presidency of the European Council and of the European Commission on 11 June 2006 in Riga, Latvia -Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on Tourism and culture: two forces for growth (2006/C 110/01) 15 March Committee on Employment and Social Affairs: Resolution on demographic challenges and solidarity between the generations (2005/2147(INI)) 24 February 2006
– Silver Economy Network of European Regions Lobbying Successes (II) Continued: -Communication of the European Commission “Ageing well in the Information Society, an i2010 Initiative: Action Plan on Information and Communication Technologies and Ageing“, 14 June Staff Working Pape der Europäischen Kommission „Ageing well in the Information Society, 14 June European COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT "EUROPE’S DEMOGRAPHIC FUTURE: FACTS AND FIGURES" SEC(2007) 638, Brussels, (Volume I + II) -Council of the European Union: Resolution “Opportunities and challenges of demographic change in Europe” (6226/07) dated 22 February COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS, 70th PLENARY SESSION HELD ON 6 AND 7 JUNE 2007: Opinion of the Committee of the Regions on the demographic future of Europe (2007/C 197/01), Brussels, –Communication of the European Commission (DG ECFIN): Dealing with the impact of ageing population in the EU (2009 Ageing Report),
– Silver Economy Network of European Regions Proposals and Projects (I) AAMEE – Active Ageing of Migrant Elders across Europe ( ) (NRW) ongoing (EU-Funding for partners in regions: €) SOPRANO – Service Oriented Programmable Smart Environments for Older Europeans ( ) (NRW, Yorkshire) ongoing (approx. 1.7 Mio. €) InCREASE – Intercultural Creativity of Seniors ( ) (NRW, Extremadura, Niedersachsen) ongoing ( €) CommonWell – Common Platform Services for Ageing Well in Europe ( ) (NRW, Yorkshire) ongoing (approx. 1.3 Mio. €) CULTUREMAP - Study on the mapping and evaluating of existing platforms (websites) within the cultural sector aimed at stimulating debate and cross border exchange of matters concerning European culture (EACEA) ( ) (NRW, SIG Culture & Ageing) ongoing (approx €)
– Silver Economy Network of European Regions Proposals and Projects (II) INDEPENDENT - ICT Enabled Service Integration for Independent Living” project proposal with participation submitted to the CIP programme (CIP) ( ) (NRW, Yorkshire) Start in 2010 (EU-Funding for partners in regions: approx. 1.1 Million. €) eSESH - Saving Energy in Social Housing with ICT project proposal with participation submitted to the CIP programme (CIP) ( ) (NRW, Extremadura) Start in 2010 (approx €) SeniorSports ( ) (Extremadura) Start in 2010 (approx €) o Senior Enterprise (Interreg IV-B NWE) (Mid-East Region, North West England Region, Yorkshire, Gelderland) oLowCarbon - Low Carbon Knowledge Work: Exploiting the Potential of eWork and eCollaboration to Contribute to Energy Efficiency (IEE) ( ) (NRW, Extremadura)
– Silver Economy Network of European Regions Open Proposals Senior Enterprise (Interreg IV-B NWE) (2010–2012) (Mid- East Region, North West England Region, Yorkshire, Gelderland) –Re-submitted (Interreg IV-C) ( ) (NRW, Mid-East Region, Niedersachsen, NRW, Limousin, Extremadura, Yorkshire, North-West England Region, Heraklion) –Rejected –Revision and re-submission in 2010 LowCarbon - Low Carbon Knowledge Work: Exploiting the Potential of eWork and eCollaboration to Contribute to Energy Efficiency (IEE) ( ) (NRW, Extremadura) –open –Decision expected: December 2009
– Silver Economy Network of European Regions EU-Funding for
– Silver Economy Network of European Regions Record of Success (I): Partnerships and Funding Several successful partnerships and project proposals with funding from European Commission funding programmes for partners from the regions. Start and operation of several European projects within different European funding programmes involving partners from regions. Budget range from approx to several million Euro per project, with funding rates ranging from 50%, 75% to 100%. The total volume of requested EU funding for partners from regions is approx. 10 million Euro. In total 3.8 million Euro funding could be achieved from the European Commission for partners from regions. Several successful proposals are currently (December 2009) under negotiaton with the European Commission. For the next three years these projects will bring another approx. 1.8 million Euro of European funding to the regions.
– Silver Economy Network of European Regions Record of Success (II): Lobbying Successful European lobbying activities led by NRW already since network founding Numerous meetings with decision makers at different DGs (DG EMPL, DG INFSO & Media, DG REGIO, DG EAC, Committee of the Regions, European Parliament) Result: Successful Anchoring of the Silver Economy at European policy level and in funding programmes involvement and contributions to policy consultation processes of the European Commission Invitations to expert workshops, aiming at future policy development of the European Commission in different topic areas for the ongoing (2005 – 2010) and future programme period 2010 – 2015 has been acknowledged as an accepted and reliable partner by and giving innovative impulses to the European Commission
– Silver Economy Network of European Regions Record of Success (III): European Conferences Regular conferences with more than 500 participants each and Good-Practice Competitions. Conferences so far: –2005: Bonn (Germany), –2006: Maastricht (Netherlands) –2007: Sevilla (Spain) –2010: Limoges (France).
– Silver Economy Network of European Regions Public Relations Regular Newsletter (since 2005) with more than distributions each Website (with internal ‘Partner Area’)
– Silver Economy Network of European Regions Workplan Agreed Topics and Policy Areas (reponsible partner in brackets): 1.Ageing well at home (NRW) 2.Active employment opportunities (Mid-East Ireland Region) 3.Skills development and lifelong learning (North West England) 4.Regional strategies to prepare for demographic change (Extremadura) Presently: –development of topic documents by responsible partners –including task descriptions, responsibilities, objectives, results to be achieved, work plan and time schedule Financing of the Secretariat and tasks: –2010: Membership fees of partners –2011+: Objective: Interreg IV-C (re-submission)
– Silver Economy Network of European Regions Thank you for your attention!