Yorkshire Forward’s Learning Legacy Les Newby, July 2011
Learning Legacy …passing on the baton What Who Form Purpose
16 ‘Modules’ Covering: Strategy Research & Intelligence Response to Economic Shocks Low Carbon Enterprise Business Support Access to Finance Inward Investment Sectors and Clusters Innovation Skills Urban Renaissance Inclusion Transport Tourism Rural Renaissance
“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s own ignorance” (Confucius)
Topic Specific Insights
Economic Strategy Specific process + product evidence + preference more involved over time good strategy is possible and powerful General leadership and partnership clarity of purpose people count
Enterprise Specific practical support + enterprise culture enterprise shows as good practice ‘spin outs’ are resource intensive targeting – better by life stage than group? General combine short and long term approaches integrate related functions openness to new ideas and options
Sectors and Clusters Specific initial clusters selection and approach was flawed – rationale, style and scale revised sectoral approach worked better success variable…when good can be really good General partnership and relationships importance of evidence profile and impact not correlated combining spatial and thematic
Urban and Rural Renaissance Specific variable but potentially transformative impact success factors include need, ambition, deliverability, design and community support broad programmes = less concentrated impact General evidence and prioritisation leadership and partnership front end skills + completer-finishers
Low Carbon Economy Specific well positioned to exploit major opportunities champions, expertise and mainstreaming assets vary locally – world class combined offer General value of good communication leadership and partnership clarity of purpose
Overarching Insights
Vision, Strategy and Leadership strategy and alignment clarity of purpose integration of functions and flexibility calculated risks and innovative approaches leadership
Operations, Prioritisation and Delivery evidence, intelligence and evaluation importance of prioritisation – combining analysis and judgement balance of creative, front end skills and completer-finishers it takes time….need both early wins and long term transformation shrinking violets can shine what happens where – spatial and thematic together openness to change, new ideas and options
People and Relationships people count! partnerships and relationships firm focus v flexibility enabling and dynamic culture – fusing private and public sector qualities communication
Context, Scale and Type of Organisation the right scale and the ‘R’ word cost effectiveness, quality and competition success fuels growth…and sometimes overgrowth clarity and accountability - who pulls the strings?
The right scale for different agendas? strategic transport, access to finance response to economic shocks low carbon economy, economic intelligence tourism, inward investment sector development, innovation, higher level skills enterprise, business support, intermediate skills physical development and renaissance inclusion and basic skills wider scale more local scale
Where will the information be available? LEP websites BIS/BIS Local Yorkshire Forward web site….for a while Further sources/archives to be confirmed Contact with those involved (where possible)
Thanks YF board, colleagues, team Many, many, partners Those who made today Those who shape tomorrow
“We can make our own mythologies and our own futures, we can be re-made by our passion and our dreams.” (Joolz Danby)
Information to be available from my details: Les Newby associates Leeds City Region LEP Sheffield City Region LEP partnershipwww.sheffieldcityregion.org.uk/local-enterprise- partnership York and North Yorkshire LEP Humber LEP (web address to be confirmed) BIS Local Yorkshire Forward