Paired Reading Workshop 22 nd January 2014 Mrs Mackay.


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Presentation transcript:

Paired Reading Workshop 22 nd January 2014 Mrs Mackay

What is Paired Reading? Paired Reading is a way of supporting readers in developing fluency when reading a range of texts. It is a way of offering controlled support, like reading with ‘stabilisers’ on. Paired reading can be done with an older child, parent, grandparent or any adult.

What are the aims? To improve reading attainment. To increase confidence and enjoyment of reading. To include interaction with a positive role model. To allow readers to work at their own pace.

How often? Paired Reading can work well if undertaken at least once a week. There is no limit to how often as the more positive reading your child does, the better a reader he or she will become. Each session could last between 10 and 30 minutes, depending on interest and engagement. Keep reading positive.

The role of the ‘tutor’ The tutor is the adult or older child. The tutor is there to help the reader. He or she ensures a positive and friendly atmosphere throughout. The tutor supports when needed by the tutee.

The role of the ‘tutee’ The tutee is the reader (the child). The tutee chooses the book (from the school scheme or a general choice at an appropriate level). The tutee decides when he or she needs support.

Praise and advice The tutor should offer praise throughout. Examples include: - “Well done for getting X and Y words right.” - “You managed that word by yourself, I am really pleased.” - “Brilliant! You showed me that you understood that part of the story…” - “ You read that chapter much more fluently than last time. Well done.”

Praise and advice The tutor offers advice and constructive criticism very carefully. Examples include: - “You had a few problems today, what could I do to help?” rather than “You weren’t very good today.” - Try using the ‘compliment sandwich’ method, with a compliment at either side of constructive criticism.

What to do Talk about the book/text before you start: - Why did you choose this book? - What do you think is going to happen? Sit comfortably, side by side, at a table or on the sofa. Ensure the room is quiet and free from distractions as far as possible.

What to do Explain that you are going to read together and that when the child (the tutee) feels comfortable continuing without you, they should tap the table or your hand. Begin reading each word aloud together at the same time.

What to do…the 5 second rule If the child hesitates on a word, or reads it incorrectly, wait 5 seconds for self-correction then join back in, starting from the incorrect word. The child should repeat the word and continue with you. Continue until the child signals again with a tap.

What to do At the end of the book, chapter or section, pause and talk about what has happened. The sheet of questions to use when reading at home will be helpful. Continue if the child is happy to. Please record Paired Reading in your child’s school reading record as P.R and a positive comment.

More information More information can be found on the factsheet for parents (North Yorkshire version). Please ask your child’s class teacher or Mrs Mackay for further help or advice at any time. For information on phonics and decoding words, please use: or

Thank you for coming. Happy reading!