Introduction: The Holy Spirit is not a Ghost E.g. He is Deity, Active, Involved, Real and Relevant. Jn.14 & 16
Holy Spirit assigns each believer with gift(s) when born into God’s family. 1Cor.12:7 & Eph.4:7-8. Paul was given gifts at conversion. Acts 9:15: 26: The sinful lives of the Corinthians did stop God from giving them gifts. 1Cor.6:9-11. Gifts are to be used for the Church. Eph.4:12.
Parable of the Talents reminds what happens when we do not use our gifts. Matt. 25:14-30 & Luke 19: Age, Youth and Gender is no barrier to exercising our gifts. 1Pet.4:10; 1Tim.4:12-14
The conflict between God and the forces of evil requires. 2Cor.11: E.g. For Christ, there is anti-christ. For True Prophets, there are false prophets For Holy Spirit, there are unclean spirits For wheat, there are tares.
A special ability to distinguish between the Spirit of Truth and Spirit of Error. Some have particular ability to unmask satan’s trickery, detect false teaching etc. Examples in Scripture: Peter affirming the deity of Christ. Matt. 16:17,23
Peter discerning Ananias & Saphira’s deception. Acts.5:1-12. Simon of Samaria’s incident. Acts. 8: Elyma’s going blind. Acts.13: Teaching, Imposter-evangelist; Prophecy; Affirmation of Christ’s deity and being human. Imposter-Evangelist example in Ghana.
The Test of Conviction: Insight given by the Holy Spirit as opposed to “sixth sense” 1Cor. 14:33; John 11:33; 13:21 The Test of Community: Evidenced in worship; prophetic words being tested by God’s people and not just the leader. 1Cor.14:29. The Test of Consistency: A situation is consistent in 3 ways: (a) The Spirit of Christ, (b) The Scriptures (c) The way God has clearly worked in the past.
Does a situation glorifies God; Exults in the commands of the Lord and draws us closer to Jesus? John 16: The Test of Character: 1Cor.13 Is any prophecy given in love? Atmosphere will always be one of love rather than of judgementalism and criticism. The Test of Consequence: Matt. 7:20 True prophecy edifies, consoles and exhorts. It also requires patience as fruit takes time to manifest. Therefore we must be realistic about things.
The Church is God’s Family of friends. Words relating to the Family:- Brothers and Sisters appear 148 times in the books of Acts and Revelations. God heals his family through his Family. Our gifts are to Love each other, honour one another, protect each other and to bear each other’s burdens.