A “Perfect” Lesson (1 Co.13) 1 Co.12:1, recalls 7:1 1 Co.12:4-11, variety of spiritual gifts Three groups: 1. Mental powers: Wisdom; Knowledge; Faith Evidential powers (signs): 2. Evidential powers (signs): Healing; Miracles (in general); Prophecy; Discerning of spirits Language powers 3. Language powers: Tongues; Interpretation
Variety of spiritual gifts (1 Co.12:12-30) These gifts work in one body (12) Members differ (14-27) Each member has its place, leaving no room for arrogance or jealousy Not all had miraculous powers (28-30) Seek better way (31): love (Jn.14:15)
1 Co.13, motive behind spiritual gifts Three divisions: 1.Importance 1.Importance of love, Characteristics 2.Characteristics of love, Permanence 3.Permanence of love, Co.14, regulation of spiritual gifts
1 Co.13 – A Love-ly Chapter 1-3: 0! 4-7, bull’s eye –Jealousy and arrogance (12:14-27) are incompatible w. love –Pentecostals say we need miracu- lous gifts to reach the highest level of maturity They should look at Corinth (1:7)
8-13, emphasize the eternal Love is permanent (abides) Spiritual gifts are temporary Paul selects one spiritual gift from each category in chap.12 (synecdoche): –Prophecy –Prophecy (12:10; 13:2) –Tongues –Tongues (12:10; 13:1) –Knowledge –Knowledge (12:8; 13:2)
in part in part 9: We “know” (v.8) in part; we prophesy (v.8) in part perfectin part10, when perfect comes, in part will be done away –Perfectcomplete –Perfect = complete After NT books were complete, prophets ceased After OT books were complete, prophets ceased –In part –In part = spiritual gift method of revelation –Perfect = –Perfect = the finished revelation
Spiritual gift method of revelation: No one place contained all truth (NT) –Ac.2 – 10 –Col.4:16, part here, part there After Paul sent 1 Corinthians, no need for prophet to repeat it. Ja.1:25 The incomplete and complete thing must be of the same nature –Incomplete method of revelation (pro- phecy, tongues, knowledge) –Complete method of revelation (NT)
PartialComplete Partial and Complete loveIf love is the perfect thing, it confuses the figures: revelationlove –In part revelation – complete love?? coming of ChristIf the coming of Christ is the perfect thing, it confuses the figures –Do we have His partial coming now?
Illustration # 1 (v.11) When I was a child… –Gospel was revealed a part at a time, like a child’s learning one small lesson at a time –Childhood is necessary, but not permanent –Spiritual gifts existed in the immature period of the church; they were not permanent (Ac.11:15) on earthPaul passed from childhood to manhood on earth…
Illustration # 2 (v.12) We see now (as Paul writes) in a mirror, dimly… mirrorBronze mirror: a polished piece of metal –If mirror is a figure of speech, so is face to face –If mirror is incomplete knowledge, then face to face is complete knowledge Does not describe what, but howDoes not describe what, but how
Know just as I also am known Refers to full revelation –The mirror image gives an imperfect view of one’s face –The complete view is the way others know us From Ac.2 – 11 –In Ac.11, Peter had to explain Ac.10 –We know (Ep.3:3-6)
Faith, hope, and love abide (13) abideThey abide on earth in the more excellent way not abideSomething else does not abide: in part –The in part method of revelation (8) –These verses highlight the supremacy of love
The Contrasts: Clearly, 12Dimly, 12 Man, 11Child, 11 Complete, 10Incomplete, 9 Permanent, 8, 13Temporary, 8 Love, 8Spiritual gifts, 8
Tongues must cease before the second coming Tongues----cease (8) –No longer needed after completed NT Faith & Hope abide –Until Lord comes (Hb.11:1; Ro.8:24) Love eternity –If perfect = 2 nd coming, no time for faith and hope to abide after gifts cease (8, 13) –Faith and hope MUST abide longer than tongues; they cease at 2 nd coming –Love never fails, surpasses faith and hope (and spiritual gifts)
Typical Pentecostal position Tongues----cease when Lord comes Faith & Hope-----cease when Lord comes (contradicts vv. 8 and 13) Love never fails eternity Reply: Reply: Contradicts 8 & 13 [Faith, hope, and love abide] [Where does he say spiritual gifts abide?]
If someone could eliminate 1 Co Would not prove their existence today Would simply prove one argument wrong
We know that spiritual gifts have ceased: 1.The manner of receiving the gifts no longer in force 1.The manner of receiving the gifts no longer in force (Ac.8:14-18) 2.Gifts have fulfilled their purpose 2.Gifts have fulfilled their purpose (Mk.16:20; Hb.2:3-4) 3.If spiritual gifts continue, so does new revelation, and NT is not complete 3.If spiritual gifts continue, so does new revelation, and NT is not complete (2 T.3:16-17) 4.If spiritual gifts continue, demon- strate it! 4.If spiritual gifts continue, demon- strate it! (Rv.2:2; 2 Co.12:12)