Self Evaluation do try our SET tools save the results follow the Next Steps and let us know how to improve numbers engaging with SET increased to over.


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Presentation transcript:

Self Evaluation do try our SET tools save the results follow the Next Steps and let us know how to improve numbers engaging with SET increased to over 4000

Working in partnerships to customise Next Steps in SET working with Secondary & Primary Strategies and ….. EYFS, Teachers’ TV, Bowland Maths and …….

Highlights of 2008/09 What a difference a day makes An open door to professional development Changing practice through practising change The NCETM near you Commitment and success

RECME: Researching Effective CPD in Mathematics Education provides advice based on evidence about CPD that is effective in informing teachers’ practice and students’ learning

NCETM funded projects ●Awarded on basis of proposals from collaborative groups ●have to report on portal and at NCETM events with reporting supported by NCETM ●over 80 awards to date ●15 awarded for 2009/10… more to come Some reflections Could mathematics CPD change to one of interactive enquiry learning, rooted strongly in classroom practice, moving away from training delivery towards creative development projects? What a possibility! This project really empowered a group of subject leaders to develop mathematical reasoning in their schools. As well as having an impact on the learners in their classes, they found it to be a highly effective vehicle for deep and lasting professional development Being involved with the NCETM has broadened our collaborative work & inspired its development both at Primary and Secondary levels. The NCETM has reinforced our determination to drive the development of our own CPD & this has had a really positive impact on our work as a specialist Mathematics and Computing School

Funded projects The Teacher Enquiry Bulletins

Funded projects Impact Changing the culture in mathematics lessons Sarah Little

A glimpse at a project The use of stories to stimulate problem solving in young children Sue Rayner

What next ? more teacher enquiry funded projects & Mathematics Knowledge Networks Groups of teachers working together Starter packs available for each of the 9 themes that the NCETM has identified as priorities Funding available for networks that are willing to report on their progress and findings through the NCETM Applications for funding are open until 22 nd June Networks will begin to meet during September

Highlights of 2008/09 What a difference a day makes An open door to professional development Changing practice through practising change The NCETM near you Commitment and success

Around the regions Regional Communities for immediate and ongoing sharing & resources & regional funded projects West Midlands: On line communities using video conferencing London ‘Hands-on ICT conference Yorkshire & Humberside: Inviting Johnny Depp into Mathematics North East Business in the community Cornwall post-16 community The more I think about how this has changed me as a teacher, the more I think that it has to be developed further. In a recent observation of me a senior colleague said that at no stage in the lesson did I tell the students anything, Before I thought ‘oh oh prepare for a telling off’, she qualified it with, "the students had to develop all their own learning through the questions you asked". I am not sure that I would have got to that point had Lee not involved me in this project 2/3 years ago. I have to say I think that this is the best comment that anyone has ever paid me about my teaching.

New NCETM structures to add to our support of schools & colleges One advanced skills teachers (0.2) to be placed in each of 9 regions alongside 1.3 Regional Coordinators ●6 in place by July 1 33 NCETM ambassadors supported by bursary to school/college managed through regions will facilitate & take forward our national projects or extend our networks e.g. Widening participation

Engaging with new teachers CD for ITE NCETM works with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) across the country to support their work in initial teacher education & CPD This has included production & distribution of a CD of resources and ideas for new teachers, distributed to all HEIs in collaboration with Subject Associations I will definitely use the NCETM website, and have taken on board advice given to me ……good to use and will find out more on. New updated set of CDs to be distributed in September

The NCETM Standard 1. A single standard including quality indicators associated with NCETM’s three ‘strands’ of effective continuous professional development 2. A workable registration and submission process 3. Achievement of the NCETM Standard for CPD by many of the providers in the pilot 4. Completion of the NCETM Standard is likely to ensure provider simultaneously meets TDA Code of Practice

Highlights of 2008/09 What a difference a day makes An open door to professional development Changing practice through practising change The NCETM near you Commitment and success

Commitment: Working in Partnerships ACME JMC Regional Mathematics Centre - East of England Bowland Mathematics National Science Learning Centre DIUS now BiS QCA LSIS National Strategies STEMNET STEM Centre Williams & Rose reviews Teachers TV Prince’s Teaching Institute Subject Associations Mathematics in Education & Undustry MEI DCSF Nuffield Foundation

National Mathematics CPD Committee ●The NCETM has been charged to set this up to take forward STEM Action Programme 2 Aims ●To identify national priorities for mathematics CPD ●To receive evidence on regional & local situations concerning the availability & quality of mathematics CPD ●To synthesise this information into a national picture to advise Ministers and the DCSF/DIUS (?) STEM High Level Strategy Group (HLSG) Regional Advisory Committees Reporting into the National Committee