Calderdale Safer & Stronger Communities Partnership Strategic Assessment Review June 2009 Calderdale. A great place to be safe
APACS Calderdale. A great place to be safe Improving Confidence and Increasing Satisfaction Tackling Crime and Disorder Promoting Safety Building Stronger Communities Tackling Serious Crime and Providing Public Protection Organisational Management
NI4 – People who feel they can influence decisions in their local area Baseline (Place Survey) 2006 Survey 2010/11 Target Police Authority Survey Neighbourhood Management Place Survey 26.3%27.7%29%30% CalderdaleMixendenOvendenPark 27%37%31%44% Calderdale. A great place to be safe
Policing Target - Increase the proportion of residents who believe that the police do an excellent or good job in their local area Calderdale. A great place to be safe Baseline2008/09 Target 2008/09 Result 2009/10 Target Current performance 34.4%38%40.3%42%Available in July
Policing Target - Increase the overall satisfaction of service users Calderdale. A great place to be safe Baseline2008/09 Target 2008/09 Result 2009/10 Target Current performance 79.9%82.1%86.7%88.1%85.8%
ACTION PLAN UPDATE Area Forum Review NI4 Task Group Community Involvement Strategy Local Involvement Network Communities of Interest Networks Access to Services Media Group Recommendations? Calderdale. A great place to be safe
TACKLING CRIME AND DISORDER Calderdale. A great place to be safe
NI16 – Serious Acquisitive Crime Baseline2008/09 Target 2008/09 Result LAA 2009/10 Target Police 2009/10 Target 2010/11 Target (per 1000 pop) (per 1000 pop) (per 1000 pop) (per 1000 pop) (per 1000 pop) (per 1000 pop) Calderdale meeting target for 09/10 and 10/11. Just more than the average for Most Similar Group for Feb-April 09 (iQuanta) Only Wakefield in West Yorkshire better performance for Feb-April 09 (iQuanta) Calderdale. A great place to be safe
NI20 – Assault with Injury Crime rate Baseline2008/09 Target 2008/09 Result LAA 2009/10 Target Police 2009/10 Target 2010/11 Target 9.99 (per 1000 pop) 9.79 (per 1000 pop) 7.47 (per 1000 pop) 9.59 (per 1000 pop) 7.32 (per 1000 pop) 9.39 (per 1000 pop) Calderdale already met target for 09/10 and 10/11 Calderdale has better than average performance in comparison with its Most Similar Group for Feb-Apr 09 period. (iQuanta) Calderdale has lowest assault with injury rate in West Yorkshire for Feb –Apr 09 period (iQuanta) Calderdale. A great place to be safe
NI30 – Reoffending rate of prolific and priority offenders Baseline2008/09 Result 2008/09 Target 2009/10 Target 2010/11 Target 167 (2007/8) 167No more than 142 offences No more than 107 offences Set once cohort refreshed Calderdale. A great place to be safe Number of convictions recorded against identified prolific and priority offenders
RE09 – Reduce levels of offending – addressing accommodation needs Baseline2008/09 Result2008/09 Target2009/10 Target Calderdale. A great place to be safe Number of those involved in criminal justice interventions provided with suitable and settled accommodation
ACTION PLAN UPDATE Burglary dwelling/vehicle crime Domestic Abuse IOM CCTV Recommendations: Robbery Calderdale. A great place to be safe
Robbery Calderdale. A great place to be safe Robbery and burglary dwelling main issues in Calderdale 21% increase in personal robberies mainly in Halifax Town Centre New group of young offenders not known to agencies 13% increase in business robberies Recommendations: Closer links with YOT to identify young people Media campaign CCTV and ANPR Work around mobile phone traders Crime reduction work around pub robberies
PROMOTING SAFETY Calderdale. A great place to be safe
NI17 – Perceptions of Anti-Social Behaviour Baseline (Place Survey) 2010/11 Target2006 SurveyPolice Authority Survey 23%TBA%25%19% Calderdale. A great place to be safe Noisy neighbours or loud parties Teenagers hanging around the streets Rubbish or litter lying around Vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property or vehicles People using or dealing drugs People being drunk or rowdy in public places Abandoned or burnt out cars
NI21 – Increase the proportion of residents who agree that the police and local council are dealing with the anti-social behaviour and crime issues that matter in their area Baseline (Place Survey) 2010/11 Target 2006 Survey Police Authority Survey Neighbourhood Management Place Survey 20.3%N/A 30% CalderdaleMixendenOvendenPark 22%37%24%34% Calderdale. A great place to be safe
RE08 – Reducing Alcohol Related Harm Baseline (2005/6) 2008/09 Target2008/09 Result ( Up to QTR 3) 2009/10 Target Number of hazardous, harmful and dependent drinkers who are screened and receive brief interventions Calderdale. A great place to be safe
ACTION PLAN UPDATE Substance misuse Calls for service ASB Review Extended Street Patrol Review Environmental Visual Audits Youth Alcohol Education and Awareness Project Recommendations? Calderdale. A great place to be safe
BUILDING STRONGER COMMUNITIES Calderdale. A great place to be safe
NI01 – Percentage of people who believe people from different backgrounds get on well together Baseline (Place Survey) 2006 Survey 2010/11 Target Police Authority Survey Neighbourhood Management Place Survey 64.7%66.2%68.2%52% CalderdaleMixendenOvendenPark 65.9%57%64.3% 72.9% Calderdale. A great place to be safe
NI07 – Environment for a Thriving Third Sector Baseline (Office of the Third Sector National Survey) 2010/11 Target 15.1%19.5% Calderdale. A great place to be safe Percentage of third sector organisations who confirm local statutory bodies in the local area positively or very positively influence their success
Policing Target – Reduce the satisfaction gap between White and BME Victims Calderdale. A great place to be safe Baseline2008/09 Target 2008/09 Result 2009/10 Target Current performance N/A4.3%7.9%6.1%8.3%
ACTION PLAN UPDATE Refreshed Prevent Plan Community Cohesion Hate Crime Resources Research ( NI07) Engagement (NI07) Training (NI07) Quality Assurance (NI07) Recommendations? Calderdale. A great place to be safe
NI35 – Building Resilience to Violent Extremism Baseline Target 2010/11 Level 2Level 3 LSP assessment of Preventing Extremism projects' performance using a score of 1-5 against 4 main themes 1. Knowledge and understanding of Preventing Violent Extremism 2. Understanding of, and engagement with, Muslim communities; 3. Effective development of an action plan to build the resilience of communities and support vulnerable individuals; 4. Effective oversight, delivery and evaluation of projects. Calderdale. A great place to be safe
ACTION PLAN UPDATE Building resilience to violent extremism PVE & Organised Crime Refreshed Prevent Plan CEFOs Operation Nicole Schools Conference Things Do Change Package Recommendations? Calderdale. A great place to be safe
ORGANISATIONAL MANAGEMENT Calderdale. A great place to be safe
ACTION PLAN UPDATE Safer & Stronger Funding Review Resources Information – Survey review Visual Audit Training/SPOC for Council Senior Management Review Community Impact Assessment Group QUEST – Police New CAA Assessments around Partnerships Safer and Stronger Communities Governance review – Partnership support Recommendations? Calderdale. A great place to be safe