Energy Efficient Green House By:
Geothermal Plant Our house run’s on Geothermal energy and is located in Hawaii.
How Geothermal Plants make energy How Geothermal plants make energy is the water that seeps into the earths crust is heated up and boiled by the hot lava and it becomes water vapor. We access the Vapor by either drilling a hole were there is a lot of it or from a hot spring. Vapor spins the turbine, which spins the generator creating electricity.
Pros to using Geothermal Plant for Energy 1.Does not cost a lot of money after the plant is made. 2.Reduces reliance on fossil fuels 3.No pollution 4.Job creation
Cons to using Geothermal Plant for energy 1.Not a widespread source of energy 2.Suited for only particular regions of the nation. 3.They can in extreme cases cause earthquakes from the drilling.
Shipping Container Building It is using shipping containers to build house or building. It takes place of the whole structure of the house and