Northumbria Learning Providers AGM September 2014
Todays Agenda 1.Curriculum 2.Inclusion 3.EFA
Curriculum Raising the Participation Age Study Programmes Traineeships Apprenticeships
Improving VQs at KS4 and KS5 and qualification design with employer involvement Introducing Traineeships, changes to apprenticeship and enrolment in FE colleges Implementing study programmes and reforming the funding formula Study Programmes to include work experience and English and maths Reforming performance indicators, minimum standards, publishing destination measures to drive the changes to VQs The Big Picture Ministerial Priority: Rigorous standards for academic and vocational qualifications
Post-16 curriculum and funding reforms Substantial qualification (academic or vocational) PROGRESSION TO FURTHER STUDY & EMPLOYMENT Other non-qualification or ‘enrichment’ activities Meaningful work experience English and maths to GCSE A*-C (for those without this) From September 2013, all 16- to 19-year-olds are now expected to take a coherent “study programme” which is based on their prior attainment at KS4 and focused on enabling them to achieve their career ambitions. Funding ‘per student’ Ofsted inspections Minimum standards/ intervention Destination measures EFA monitoring performance tables and/or
Inclusion NEET Tailored Curriculum Free Meals Bursary Funds
EFA Information Exchange Self Service Funding Guidance GOV.Uk
Looking for Information? Try here first
How you can brief your team about funding for 14/15
Contacting us? 16 to 19 providers - northern territory For local authorities, schools, colleges and other (non-academy) providers in North West, North East and Yorkshire and Humberside with queries for the Education Funding Agency