Marketing Tips that don’t cost the earth
Today’s format… Why is marketing expensive? Time vs Cost Editorial techniques Digital techniques Face to face techniques GROOVY TOOLS
Why is marketing so expensive? Specialist tools cost a lot of money High expectations There’s no such thing as a five minute job There’s often a value put on ‘reach’ e.g advertising circulations/eyeballs/footfa ll
Time versus cost Money hungry Exhibitions Advertising Sponsorship Direct mail Websites Time hungry Social media Blogging Networking Face to face techniques
Editorial techniques
How the UK press operates National Times, Telegraph, Independent, Sun, NoTW etc. Regional Scotsman, Western Mail, Yorkshire Evening Post, MEN Local Lancaster Guardian, Westmorland Gazette, Cumberland News Trade The Grocer, Computer Weekly, Pig Farming Today, Pork Pie Gazette General consumer Vanity Fair, FHM, Cosmopolitan, Country Life Specialist consumer Trail, Saga, Slimming World, Gardening Today, Needles & Pins Broadcast BBC, ITV, C4, C5 plus all cable and satellite channels – and Radio Online Blogs, online magazines
Editorial techniques Press releases Case study articles Opinion pieces Product reviews Letters to the editor Competitions Piggy-backing Feature tracking Photo stories Building relationships with journalists
Know the press in your sector Every industry has its own trade press Read by everyone in that sector Influential and powerful Possible to get coverage without having hot news
Media Hooks There are 5 media hooks guaranteed to get coverage in any national newspaper or broadcast media…
How does that help you? Change – What has changed? If nothing – there’s no story People – People make a story come alive – case studies, testimonials etc. Conflict – Two schools of thought fighting – e.g. energy debate, law suit stories, bucking the trend
Overview of ways to get coverage News Features Letters page Profile articles Opinion article Press events Exhibitions and trade shows Statistics and surveys Blogs Piggy backing Story pitching Competitions Reviews Stunts Social media
Press releases The first step for press relations Reasons for sending a release… New order win New product or service Something has changed in your organisation » Investment, new senior staff Partnership agreements Financial results Quirky human interest stories » Charity involvement, the ‘ British eccentric ’
Industry specific Part of a wider issue in your industry Press releases Use relevant quotes, statistics and pictures
Oxley’s Health Spa, Ambleside
Opinion articles Coverage without news Controversial comment is always welcome Pick ‘ hot topics ’
Profile Pieces Great when you have no news ‘ Pitch ’ when you are in the middle of a positive trading period Look for an unusual angle
Stunt examples…
But… Newspaper circulations are declining Online information is the future Publication houses must re-invent themselves People now value ‘interactive’ capabilities People want a voice of their own
Face to face techniques Networking clubs Speaking engagements Visiting trade shows Attending conferences Share trade stand space Referral networks Buzz marketing Collaborative networking Mentoring schemes Volunteering
Digital techniques Twitter Facebook YouTube Pinterest Blogging Guest blogging Viral memes marketing List building Banner advertising Ecommerce Reciprocal links
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Blue Ocean Strategy Red oceans Full of bloody competition The rules are created by someone else You become obsessed with what your competitors are doing The ocean is crowded with too many people doing and saying the same thing Marketing is expensive – you have to out spend or out-shout everyone else Blue oceans Competition is irrelevant because the rules have not been set yet You’re creating a new and uncontested market space You are offering customers real value innovation Customers will come to you and which means marketing costs less