Colony of South Carolina
And the Founding Date
Founders of South Carolina: The Lords Proprietors Earl of Clarendon, Duke of Albemarle, William Lord Craven John, Baron Berkeley of Stratton, Sir George Carteret, Sir John Colleton, Sir William Berkeley, and Anthony Ashley Cooper
Founded in 1690 by the the Eight Lords Proprietors.
Founded Because…
Reasons for Founding… The Colony of South Carolina was founded because the Eight lords Proprietors were given a grant of land from King Charles as a thank you gift for the support that they gave him. They thought of it as an investment, and as a way to earn money.
Settlers had to pay their way to get into South Carolina. Then they had to sell whatever they grew or made. Then they traded whatever the produced for whatever they needed. The trade business was only allowed through the lords. The lords could make money as middlemen.
Settlers in the Colony The first white settlers found about 30 Native American tribes living in the area already. Settlers were mostly white. Most settlers were fleeing from religious from religious prosecution, such as French Huguenots, Quakers from England, and Jews from all over the world.
Slaves in the Colony Native Americans were forced into slavery before African slave trade became more popular. Settlers brought indentured servants, that were usually white.
Climate Short, mild winters; no more shivering through a harsh English winter. Long, hot, humid summers – your crops are gonna love it!
Geography Many small, isolated islands off the coast – great for a picnic. Low, swampy coastal plains – malaria-carrying mosquitoes will help you build up resistance to disease! Area great for growing rice labor,– with enough slave labor you could have quite a plantation. Inland red soil ideal for growing cotton. Western part of the colony appeals to the outdoorsperson – rugged woodlands well suited to small farms, far away from the bustle of the city
Economy Cash CropsSmall FarmsNative Americans Craftsmen Cotton, tobacco, indigo, and rice are perfect for large plantations and lots of slave labor; the slave trade itself can be quite lucrative Grow what you need and trade the surplus. Hunting for food and cutting timber on the side will also help you get by. Not that you are one, but know that they mostly hunt and gather, and they will barter with food and animal skins. Set up your own business. SC is known for its silversmiths and furniture makers.
RELIGION We feature religious liberty here. Our charter was actually written by the famous philosopher John Locke, who wrote that only seven people were needed to form a church and that religious persecution is not allowed. Come worship as you please!
Politics and Government THE FUNDAMENTAL CONSTITUTION OF CAROLINA This system of laws written by John Locke gives England the real power here; SC is more like a province. Over time, however, we’ll have more local control. For example, we’ll be able to elect five representatives from our colony to serve with five agents appointed by the Lords Proprietors.