2004 Annual Meeting eThekwini, South Africa November 4-5, 2004 Cities Alliance Consultative Group
2004ANNUALMEETING Fiduciary Management of Cities Alliance Grants Why Fiduciary Management Procedures? Increase in volume of grants More grants now directly executed by local authorities, NGOs, and other recipient organisations Consequent strengthening of procedures, controls and capacities at the Cities Alliance Secretariat
2004ANNUALMEETING Fiduciary Management Procedures World Bank and UN Habitat executed Grants Reliance on the institutional systems and procedures of the respective institutions Recipient Executed Grants More reliance on Cities Alliance Secretariat’s Financial Management Procedures
2004ANNUALMEETING Grant Recipient: Fiduciary Assessment Initial Assessment Organizational Structure Accounting Systems and Procedures Internal Controls External and Internal Audits Procurement Procedures On-site Review (large grants) Fiduciary Assessment Report Risk Analysis Action Plan for Improvement, if necessary, developed with Recipient (capacity building)
2004ANNUALMEETING Grant Recipient: Fiduciary Assessment (contd.) Partnership Agreement Tranche Payments Disbursement Conditions (Deliverables) Grant Agreement structured so that all Implementing Partners may sign (e.g.: Joburg-Addis Ababa Partnership Program)
2004ANNUALMEETING Cities Alliance Secretariat: Financial Supervision Review of Quarterly Financial Reports Monitoring Action Plan for Implementation On-site visits (as appropriate)
2004ANNUALMEETINGLessons Key lessons Two-way learning process Recipient execution facilitates client ownership and financial capacity Enables more effective monitoring of project implementation (both financial and operational) Quality of reporting often better than with multi-lateral execution
2004ANNUALMEETINGHttp:// eThekwini, South Africa. November 4-5, 2004