Global Patent Debate K.Ravi Srinivas May 12-13, 2011
TRIPS AND ACCESS TO MEDICINES Issues like CL, Flexibility in TRIPS dominated the debate Issue was how to implement TRIPS TRIPS Flexibility Configuring TRIPS with development Policy AIDS CRISIS- SOUTH AFRICA DOHA DECLARATION
Innovation Issues Is Patent Regime the best incentive system Non-Patent, Public Funded Interventions- Big Science as example Incentivizng Innovation without relying on patents Mix of various carrots and sticks for innovation
Innovation and Access The 10/90 Gap and the dual issue of innovation but no access and access but expensive Type I,II,III diseases and changing epidemiology disease- cardiovascular emerging as major killer, diabetes, cancer Innovation + Access but can patent system ensure both
THE CIPIH Report& After Highlighted the problems with current innovation regime under TRIPS but did not suggest radical solutions Sensitized global community IGWG Process – lots of studies, and discussions but money? Identifying new mechanisms Global issues and global solutions
PUSH&PULL Mechanisms Developed to address deficiencies in current models Studies on pros and cons of each mechanism Most of them have not been tried or tried on limited scale (AMC, Orphan Drug) Will they alone solve the critical issue of 10/90 Gap or will they be piece meal solutions The unanswered question- choosing the best 20 from these to test further
Push &Pull Mechanisms Implementing them in developing countries, LDCs Identifying which works well for what Limitations of using models like Orphan Drug Act when most countries don’t have Pharma R&D AMCs, Prizes and Fund Proposals – who will fund and how
Push &Pull Mechanisms Complementary mechanisms –are they feasible Combining Licensing with push&pull Using patent pools, liability regimes But two big IFS How do we know a priori that this will work Are they sufficient to incentivize when the market is small and outcome is uncertain Push&Pull necessary but not sufficient
The Other Options Open Source- Open Innovation Global R&D Networks that are funded and share the IP Differential Pricing- Incentives to be given Cost of clinical trials- share, subsidize or give tax credits Drugs as Global Public Good
South-South South-South can work but the barriers are many South-South Industry dynamics and global market mechanisms- dilemmas for developing countries Increasing North-South and less South-South Can South goad the private sector in South
Are we groping in the dark It seems to be so- lots of talk, some successful examples but lack of progress Increasing cost of R&D and less return in terms of NCEs Type I- more people in developing countries, less access- public health implications So what can be done
Where do we go from here The path ahead is not clear because Doha Round is failing WHO WGA may suggest solutions but money? The unworkable Para 6 solution Increasing costs, less no. of block busters The limitations of relying on patents and markets and demand driven solutions The yawning gap between access and affordability
Need for Finding Durable Solutions Rethink innovation mechanisms Drugs as public good- more public funding and more PP mode R&D Identify right incentives, push and pull mechanisms Better use of alternative licensing, public procurement Global Action Plan is needed with better co- ordination and targets in funding Combine patent pools, Open Source and encourage sharing by rewarding sharing
Can we do it Yes, we can provided countries come together to fund R&D on a global basis More South-South where relevant Think beyond patents and TRIPS Take this as a major challenge in view of demographic and epidemiologic transitions
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