What railroad had passengers, conductors, stations, and station masters, but no train cars or rails??????
The Underground Railroad! Was it underground? Did it have cars? Did it run on train tracks?
What was the Underground Railroad? A network of people who helped slaves from the southern United States escape to the free northern US and to Canada between 1810 and 1865 (Civil War). Scenes from slavery
Traveling on the UGRR Passengers – runaway slaves Conductor- a person who guided or transported the runaways to the next station. Station stops -(safe houses) Safe houses - houses where runaways could hide safely, find shelter, food, clothing and help on their way north toward freedom. Station master - person at the safe house who would help the escaping slaves
Signals A lantern on a hitching post means a safe house or station house Special knocks Quilts (basket pattern= begin gathering supplies and tools for escape)
Transportation On foot Through water (so dogs couldn’t find their scent) By wagon
Henry “Box” Brown, a slave, had himself shipped from Richmond to Philadelphia in a wooden box.
How did the slaves escape to the north? Routes and systems (conductors, stations, and station masters) who helped slaves get to the north to freedom. Escaping slaves and their helpers were breaking the law so they had to stay out of sight or get caught! They went “underground,” hiding their actions. Some hid in unusual places. Note the secret compartment of the cupboard in this house. The top cupboard is closed and the bottom one is open to reveal a hidden room!
Hiding escaped slaves
US Map 1700’s-1800’s
What dangers did they face?
One famous African American during that time: Harriet Tubman and passengers to freedom
Who was Harriet Tubman? An escaped slave! Once she escaped and was free, she went back to the southern part of the US to help other slaves escape to freedom in the northern states where slavery was not allowed!
Harriet Tubman was considered the Moses of her time
The Underground Railroad( ) took place during part of the Civil War War of the northern states against the southern states was really caused by slavery issue Southern Confederate flag and the northern Union flag
During the Civil War between the northern states and southern states President Abraham Lincoln issued: Emancipation Proclamation on Jan. 1, 1863, declaring all "slaves within any State, or designated part of a State... then... in rebellion,... shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free." ABRAHAM LINCOLN
When the Civil War ended, the nation remained as a Union of both north and south. The 13 th Amendment was added to the US Constitution
References e2/1869.htm e2/1869.htm Source: The freedom-seekers: Blacks in early Canada Daniel G. Hill -- Don Mills, Ont.: Stoddart, 1992, c vii, 242 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- ISBN P. 38© Public Domainnlc-1862© Public Domain /routes.htm /routes.htm ticle.aspx?pin=xem036400a&article_id=683&chapte r_id=15&chapter_title=United_States&article_title= Emancipation_Proclamation ticle.aspx?pin=xem036400a&article_id=683&chapte r_id=15&chapter_title=United_States&article_title= Emancipation_Proclamation ilroad/kids.html ilroad/kids.html bin/outsidesite.cgi?id=17444&external= ml&original= html&title=The Underground Railroad ncolns/atwar/sf_soldier.htm ncolns/atwar/sf_soldier.htm ncolns/slavery/ ml# ncolns/slavery/ ml#