National focus on cardiovascular research Charlotte Björk Ingul, MD, PhD Research coordinator UNIKARD.


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Presentation transcript:

National focus on cardiovascular research Charlotte Björk Ingul, MD, PhD Research coordinator UNIKARD

National group for medical and health- related research (NSG) Strategical advisory group with following members: The universities Regional health regions Norwegian Directorate of Health Norwegian Institute of Public Health Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services Norwegian research council University Colleges og user organistations The Ministry of Health and Care Services and Minister of Research and Higher Education have observatory status. NSG was established in Samarbeidsorganet for Helse Midt-Norge RHF - NTNU has been in charge after Helse Sør-Øst Dean Stig Slørdahl, The medical faculty, NTNU, is leader for NSG.

NSG – three areas of priority UNIKARD: National research project run by National group for medical and health-related research (NSG) Three national priorities: UNIKARD Neuro North Severe mental illness

Network and cooperation A priority area under NSG involves: – Organized as network of researchers within a topic – Cooperation across the regions, based on national consensus – Cooperating about: Joint strategy Utilisation of infrastructure Implementation of research projects Joint publishing Professional and strategic meetings and conferences

Purposes UNIKARD: – Norwegian cardiovascular research should be among the leading research environment worldwide – Developing and follow up an overall strategy for heart and cardiovascular research in Norway – Field of work: The total cardiovascular area and chain of research from basic research to clinical results

UNIKARD Improved cardiovascular research in Norway Improved research organization Increased cooperation nationally and internationally Emphasise on translational research

UNIKARD established NRC evaluation of clinical research in Norway: – Weaknesses were identified: The need for greater focus on national and international cooperation The need for stronger research management The need for overall objectives and strategies for research Research built around individuals should give way in favor of larger groups Equipment and techniques should be available as common resources

UNIKARD established Vice Deans for Research initiated a national focus on heart- and cardiovascular research (2004) Working committee provided recommendations for UNIKARD (2005)

UNIKARD Improved cardiovascular research in Norway Improved research organization Increased cooperation nationally and internationally Emphasise on translational research

UNIKARD main emphasis – Epidemiological research, research registry – Heart failure – Thoracic- and vascular surgery

Organization UNIKARD Academic advisory group Department of coordinating research environmet, NTNU v/ISB, Øyvind Ellingsen Research coordinator Charlotte Björk Ingul Responsible samarbeidsorgan Helse Midt-Norge, NTNU v/Stig Slørdahl

Academic advisory group – Ole. M. Sejersted, chairman (UiO and South-eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (RHA) – Rune Wiseth (NTNU and Central Norway RHA ) – Maja-Lisa Løchen (UiTø and Northern Norway RHA) – Eva Gerdts (UiB and Western Norway RHA) – Lars Gullestad (UiO and South-eastern Norway RHA) – Signe Bang (The Research Council of Norway) – Grethe Tell (Norwegian Institute of Public Health) – Cecilie Risøe (Nasjonalforeningen, Hjerte-karrådet) – Truls Myrmæl (UiTø and Northern Norway RHA)

Members of the working committee for NSG Gudmund Marhaug, St Olav HF (leader) Baard-Christian Schem, Helse Vest RHF Sigbjørn Fossum, UiO John-Bjarne Hansen, UiTø Mari Nes, NRC Camilla Stoltenberg, FHI Monica Nortvedt, Høgskolen i Bergen

Budget Totalt yearly budget is 3 mill NOK for the following period – : Norwegian research council Researcher/coordinator (inkl 25 % overhead) Operating budget UNIKARD Yearly allowance Samarbeidsorganet Central Norway RHA Forskningsmidler coordinator Postdoctor UNIKARD secretary 50 % Yearly allowance

Finances Projects for research must apply for own funding, for example from : – Samarbeidsorganene – The Research Council of Norway – The Health Autorities – EU – Voluntary organizations – Legathåndboka – Norwegian Health Association – Norwegian Institute of Public Health

UNIKARD National area of priority  support for multi-regional cooperation: – NRC supports multi-regional cooperation project which includes at least three health regions, and the applicants must be researchers affiliated NSGs member institutions.The projects must be based on the following fundamental factors: Joint financing Control of own funds Funding of own participation Ownership and influence over process and results – Economic: Each institution contributes to each collaborative project with 1 million NOK for 3 years NFR contributes an additional 20 % of the project's total budget

UNIKARD can contribute with – Network: National and international – Organize meetings research, professional and network – Overview of sources of funding – Assistance with writing applications for funding – Administrative support

UNIKARD administration Research coordinator, Charlotte Björk Ingul (50% administration, 50% research) Secretary, Mari Dyrset (50%) 2 postdoc – 100 % 3 years Arnt Erik Tjønna (exercise physiologist, ISB) – 50 % 4 years Ane Dale (cardiologist, ISB)

Success criteria Goals and criteria for success in a perspective of 5 years – Increased political understanding: Measured in terms of economic support to the research area – Publications in highly ranked journals: The goal is that at least one group will have exellent status, and that several research environment in Norway are of international standard – Increased number of projects in the field of translational character – Increased number of scientists at all levels within the field of heart- and cardiac research