Ancient Greek Temples Week 8 Compiled by Amy Images from Google Images
Why Temples Hello God, Are you home? Used the best quality materials Wanted the Gods and Goddesses to be happy Beautiful statues, high columns, and elaborate friezes. Filled with treasures and “priests or preistesses” that took care of the fires and offerings.
Frieze The carvings placed on temples and important buildings in Ancient Greece The friezes depicted stories and myths of the Gods They were coated in paint or tinted wax.
Parts of Frieze Pediment Cornice Frieze Entablature architrave capital
Marble Quarries were outside of the cities. The huge stone blocks were taken to the construction site by carriages and wagons. They used ropes, pullies, and ramps to put the stones in place.
Tools Used Masons used mallets and chisels to carve the marble. This was a painstaking and dangerous task. How did they cut the marble so perfectly?
Splitting Marble Chisel a Groove in the marble Hammer wooden wedge into the groove Soak the wooden wesdge The wood expands and cracks the marble Then the pieces were moved to the jobsite The expert masons would form the final block Did not use cement!
Lego Copycats Each piece had a perfectly fitted knob and slot Just like our Legos today The column pieces were slightly tapered to achieve a stronger column.
Not Good Enough?
Doric Simple Square Used on Mainland Greece and in Southern Italy
Ionic The capital is more elaborate Has a thinner capital top but has scolled edges called a Volute
Corinthian Extremely Elaborate Decorated with leaves Much more costly to make Less examples from Ancient Greece
Sometimes the masons were truly artists! The Erectheum has a Porch of Maidens These columns that hold up the roof are called Caryatids (usually a woman)
Oracle at Delphi and the Priestess Pythia Ancient writers recorded the sweet smell of the oracle locations and of the pythia. The sweet smell may have been ethylene. Ethylene is a natural gas that causes a person to feel like they are floating and to feel a sense of happiness.
Book List Week 8 I wonder Why Greeks Built Temples and other questions about Ancient Greece by Fiona MacDonald Ancient Greek Art by Susie Hodge Tools of the ancient Greeks by Kris Bordessa An Ancient Greek Temple by John Malam and Mark Bergin
Assingments Week 8 Build a Minecraft, Lego, Blocks, or Google Sketchup of an Ancient Greek Temple of your choice to scale Place your temple stickers onto your scaled map Create a Craft column with all three capitals Find an example in modern architecture America of all three capitals and a caryatid Share pictures with us via or at the next class.
Column Craft We used a hot glue gun to create grooves along a paper towel tube When the glue dried we painted the tube to create a column of Marble We used paper and cardboard to create all three examples of a capital
Writing Assignment Week 8 Create a tri-fold travel brochure depicting one of the Ancient Greek Temples. Discuss the frieze Discuss the Capitals Explore the Use and History of the Temple