The war started on April 12 th Ended April 2 nd 1865.
~ Union State Main, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode island, Connecticut, new Hampshire, Vermont, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Minnesota, Virginia. ~ Confederate states North Carolina, south Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkensaw, Texas, Louisiana
William T. Sherman (union) ~ Born February 8 th died February 14 th 1891 ~ He Graduated 43 in his class ~ In 1853 he became manager of Lucas turner& company ~ In 1861 Commands his brigade in the battle of bull run. ~ 1868 becomes the commanding general of the united states. Jefferson Davis (confederate) ~ Born June 3 rd, 1808 died December 6 th, 1889 ~ November 6 th, 1861 was elected to a six year term of president of the confederate. ~ November 1845 elected to house of representatives. ~ In 1853 begins to serve as U.S. secretary of war. ~ serves as confederate president.
UnionConfederate Abraham LincolnJefferson Davis Ulysses S. GrantRobert E. Lee William T. ShermanStonewall Jackson Jhon BrownBraxton Bragg
Most of the men had uniform jackets to were. Even that wasn’t enough to keep them warm during the winter. Most of the soldiers didn't even have shoes to fight in unless they stole them off the dead.
~ Fort Sumpter (April 12 th, 1861) The confederate opened fire on the union and set fires to the forts. The union were low on ammunition so they had to hid on ground to escape the smoke. ~ Bull Run (July 21 st,1861) Also called the battle of Manassas. Irvin McDowell was the commander of the union who led 35,000 against 20,000 but ended up on full retreat to Washington.
~ Battle of Gettysburg (July 1 st, 1863) fought between Lee’s army of northern virgina And union general Meade army of Potomac. ~ Battle of Fort Fisher (January 15 th, 1865) The confederate lost its last access to the outside world.
~ Battle of Appomattox courthouse (April 9 th, 1865) general Lee’s army was surrounded so he raised the whit flag.
~ France and Great Brittan made and alliance with the Confederate states.
Weapons: Napoleon a cast iron cannon Musket- has wide barrel and takes very long to load. Riffle a very accurate gun that shoots very far.
Most cannons were made of cast iron with led balls that were shot out. A lot of the had held weapons you had to stuff the led bullets in the front and a lot of the men got killed when loading guns.
Ships were important to both sides. The confederate used ships to get supplies from foreign countries. Horses and were also used to transport things on land.
Confederate General Edmund Kirby Smith commander of confederate forces west of Mississippi signed the surrender terms offered by general Robert Lee of the union.
After the civil war many things were destroyed from it. The government down south was entirely rebuilt; laws were even passed to blacks the same rights as whites, But they were still treated differently.
The civil war effected the future of the united states a whole lot. With out it we would still have slavery in some states not only that but it shows that almost all Americans have the trait to fight for their beliefs.
Work sited Westwell, Ian. The civil war. New York, Ny: Brown bear books, Print. Gillis, Jenifer B., ed. The confederate solider. first. Ney York, Ny: Compass point books, Print. Hudak, Heather C., ed. African American history th Avenue, Ny: Weigl Publisher inc., Print. Koestler, Rachel A., ed. William T. Sherman. InfoBase publisher, Print.
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