Shari’a Qur’an Sunnah (sayings and actions of the Prophet) Ijma (consensus among Muslim scholars and jurists) Qiyas (making deductions by analogy or precedent)
How was Shari’a developed? The process of collecting, verifying, and codifying the hadith (sayings) of the Prophet developed into a science of its own. Teachers and students of the Qur’an began writing tafsirs, or commentaries in order to explain the meaning of its verses. Schools of Thought were formed in different regions and came up with different interpretations and judgments on certain issues. Due to varying social structures, cultures, and lifestyles among Muslims, five schools gained popularity in different parts of the world.
Schools of Thought in Islam NameFounder Commonly followed in … HanafiAbu Hanifa (d.767) Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, India, Syria, Jordan HanbaliIbn Hanbal (d. 855) Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Gulf countries JafariJafar Sadiq (d. 765) Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Gulf MallkiM. Ibn Anas (d. 795) N. African countries, Bahrain Shafi’iM. Ash-shfi (d. 820) E. Africa, Yemen, C. Asia, S.E Asia, Jordan, Syria, Iraq