October 2010CERN-Korea J. Schukraft1 ALICE Status 8 th CERN-Korea meeting Collaboration News Korean participation General ALICE status report on Wednesday
Oct 2010 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft 2 Collaboration News New Institutes (since Oct 2009) Frankfurt Institute of Computer Science (Germany)HLT Chicago State University (NSF, USA) Physics, EMCAL,Trigger U Texas Austin (DOE USA) Physics, EMCAL Comsats (Pakistan) : ‘associate members status’, Physics, Computing Applying (decision in November) KISTI (Korea) : ‘associate members status’ Computing Gahauti Univ (Assam) & Bose Institute (Kolkata) Physics, Upgrades Ongoing Discussions Pinstech (Pakistan) : ‘associate members status’, Physics, Computing Egypt, Lebanon, … Spokesperson & CB-chair Spokesperson: P. Giubellino (Torino), starting for 3 year term CB chair : P. Braun-Munzinger (GSI), starting for 3 year term
Oct 2010 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft 3 3 Detector: Size: 16 x 26 meters Weight: 10,000 tons Collaboration: > 1000 Members > 100 Institutes > 30 countries ALICE
Oct 2010 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft 4 Korean Participation in ALICE Participating Groups: Kangnung: TOF assembly & commissioning, Muon arm operation, physics Sejong: Grid computing, physics Yonsei: TRD assembly and commissioning, physics Pusan (replacing Pohang) HMPID R&D and operation, physics Kisti: (now applying as associate member) ALICE-Korea GRID computing center Activity Report by Prof. IK Yoo
CCRC F2F 10/01/ ALICE KISTI T2 centre In stable operation since 2009 Providing 180 CPU cores and 30TB of disk storage
CCRC F2F 10/01/ KISTI Global Data Science Center Provides T1 services for ALICE Setup of centre completed (extremely efficient & quick !) Initial resources 144 CPU cores, 100TB disk, 100TB tapes Bandwidth to CERN (through GLORIAD) 200 MBps Additional Computing very important to ALICE (sign. shortfall of CPU resources expected)
Oct 2010 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft 7 ALICE Status x Installation WS 2010/11 9 week WS : very busy schedule ! install 6 EMCAL & 3 TRD modules continuous 2 shift operation contingency: reduced scope very sign. physics gain ! x 2 for TRD J/ jets in emcal Korean participation commissioning the 3 TRD modules very appreciated
Financial issues 2011 Construction Budget Korea has no ongoing construction expenses
9 Common Fund, C&I Contributions Institute Fee: Kangnung/Sejong: fully paid: 100 kCHF Yonsei: fully paid: 50 kCHF Associate members don’t pay Common Fund
M&O cat. A invoices/income M&O A: ‘02-’10: fully paid
ALICE MB 7 October RRB draft and RRB draft 11 Sharing of the 2011 M&O-A Budget (unit: kCHF) Rebate from 2009 energy Total Budget 2.592kCHF Spent 513 kCHF (29.75%) 2009 Invoiced to NMS = 771 kCHF 2009 Corrected NMS = 153 kCHF 2010 Rebate = 618 kCHF M&O Budget for Korea 10 scientists: kCHF (with Energy rebate bill is 97.4 kCHF)
2011 M&O B sharing (kCHF)
Oct 2010 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft 13 ‘Upgrades’ ALICE essentially finished since mid 2008 2 detectors were added later and will be completed by end 2010/early 2011 TRD (Germany, Korea, + …) EMCAL (US, France, Italy) EMCAL extension (‘DCAL’) (~ 40% of emcal) approved in August 2010 US DOE, Japan, China, France construction to be completed for installation in 2012 Longer term upgrade planning several options are under study improved vertex dets, forward calo, PID,.. Korean groups interested/participating concrete plans require first HI data upgrades to be presented & discussed in 2011
Oct 2010 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft 14 Summary Korean participation in ALICE: going very well ! increase in 2010 with 1 new associate member participation in detector construction/operation/computing very effective Korea well integrated and active inside the Collaboration