10 th American History Daily Lessons
This Day in History and Current Events This Day in History –1983 –1983- a suicide truck- bombing at Beirut International Airport in Lebanon killed 220 U.S. Marines, 18 sailors and 3 Army soldiers; a near- simultaneous attack on French forces killed 58 paratroopers. –1973 –1973- President Richard M. Nixon agreed to turn White House tape recordings requested by the Watergate special prosecutor over to Judge John J. Sirica. Current Event 5 things we learned in Monday's debate –Heated, but measured disagreements –Foreign policy was theme of last debate, but economic issues also got attention –Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in sharp exchanges, but showdown less contentious overall –Obama played 'commander- in-chief' card to highlight foreign policy decision making –Romney talked about vision for country without having to defend a foreign policy record
While you were gone 10 th American HistoryMake-up Assignments Oct. 23 While you were gone 10 th American History- Make-up Assignments Mr. Cook Room 214 Student-______________ Date Absent Oct. 23 Date Due-______ Please attach your make-up work to this sheet when you hand it in! Homework: Oct. 24 –Chapter 8 Section 3 pages with notes. Look at page 246 for type of notes to take.– due Oct. 24 In Class Work: Chapter 8 Section 2 Quiz Activities- –Chapter 8 Section 2 Quiz U.S in World War I –Finish Power point- U.S in World War I and Section 2 Assessment –Finish more of the Video Series- World War I – with Worksheet Examination: Date and Period you will take the exam- ______________________ Signature:______________
Day #45 Assignments - Homework due today - None In Class Work Activities- –Finish Power point- U.S in World War I and Section 2 Assessment –Chapter 8 Section 2 Quiz –Finish more of the Video Series- World War I – with Worksheet Unit II Becoming a World Power Chapter 8 Sect. 2 Quiz Finish Power Point and Assessment World War I Video
Unit II- Chapter 8.2Quiz YOU MAY NOT WRITE ON THIS TEST! 18 points Put all answers on the Test sheet. Please just put the letters of the answers for multiple choice. Write all short answer question on the answer sheet in as few of words as possible.