SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME FP INCO-MPC-1 MEditerranean Development of Innovative Technologies for integrAted waTer managEment
WP-5 Dissemination
Objectives disseminate the results of the project towards the scientific community but also towards the public concerned by the water management of their catchment and the policy implementation organisations. organise secured exchange of data used for the project by the partners determine the possible transfer of technology developed during the project
Methods The Web site (public and exclusive for partners), Workshops organisation for decision-makers and water policy makers, scientific and technological papers Translation WMSS and major guidelines
The Web site will be developed according common guidelines validated by all partners, defining namely the dissemination rights for various types of data; it will allow following the project progress, disseminating the results (reports, recommendations, guidelines). The web site will have two types of users, the partners and the targeted public, water managers sensu lato and policy makers at regional or national levels.
Up to four scientific and technological papers will be written and submitted during the project, essentially during the second part and last year of the project. The targeted papers will be international ones in the sciences, technologic fields but also professional. Participation to up to two conferences regarding water technological and water management issues will be held in the framework of this project.
In order to disseminate the WMSS results in the more efficient way (decision support system with accompanied reports or guidelines), translation from English to Arabic and even in one other language will be necessary. This task will be tackled within this WP. In addition one major workshop will be organised in order to disseminate the results about the water vision to 2025 in each country and the final results of the MEDITATE project.
A final plan for using and disseminating the knowledge and results obtained in this project will be developed; it will namely integrate water policy consideration and socio-economic data based on the results of WP2, 4 and 5. Stress will be put on the side of the water resource management, but without minimising the technological innovations results in the field of submarine karst springs with AUV and original capture prototype.
This activity will ensure that the innovation part of the project (prototypes AUV, submarine capture, water treatment plant) is widely disseminated within circles of actors involved in the water technology and the results in term of water management to be disseminated within circles of actors involved in water policy and management at regional or national level. Transfer technology study & Market opportunities analysis
This activity will consist: - conducting a review of national or regional transfer technology centre - studying the other possible sites for a submarine capture in the countries partners of the program and making some opportunities analysis presented to the circles of actors - presenting a global and integrated water management strategy to the decision makers, with a guide of good practises
Deliverables 1.Month 3 : A web site for the MEDITATE dissemination of progressing and results 2.Month 34: A report on the possible market opportunities to use alternative water resources 3.Month 36: Up to four scientific papers (submitted) for international scientific journals and/or international congress. 4.Month 36: Final Plan for using and disseminating knowledge
Milestones and expected result 1.Workshops at 24 th and 34 th months 2.Creation and maintenance of the MEDITATE Web site 3.SMEs and Commerce Chambers at regional level, interviews as part of market opportunities exploration
MEDITATE Host on behalf of MEDITATE Hacettepe University
PROJECT DESCRIPTION Summary & Justafication Approach & Methodology Objectives Immediate Objectives Intermediate Objectives Partners & Third Parties Description Role in MEDITATE Schedule Potential Impacts Compliance With EU Policy
PROJECT MANAGEMENT Coordination Board Structure of the Management Mechanism & Procedure Management Tools & GANTT
STUDY AREAS JORDAN Problem Satement Maps Main Characteristics LEBANON Problem Satement Maps Main Characteristics TURKEY Problem Satement Maps Main Characteristics
SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Hydrological Models & Databases Description Manual Case Studies Monitoring Coastal Karst Aquifers Description Guidelines Case Studies Monitoring & Capturing Submarine Springs Description Guidelines Case Studies
MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT Intergrated Water Management Water Management Support System Description Guidelines Case Studies Stake-Holders Governmental Non-Governmental Implementation & Exploitation Possibilities and Constraints
PUBLICATIONS Papers in Journals Presentations in Congresses & Seminars Theses Reports Newsletters Educational Materials Press Releases
WORKSHOPS Scientific Platform Stakeholders & Public
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